Saturday, August 1, 2020

Requiem for a Cruiserweight

When I was young, I had high hopes.  I thought I would be a boxer and pornstar and a rock n roll musician.  But now that I am past 40 years of age, I realize show business is a big cosmic joke.

The media is lying you.  I was taught at SUNY Stonybrook that when you watch something in the media, ask yourself, why are they saying this?  What's their motivation?  What's in it for them?

The media is fake.  Hollywood, MMA, boxing, porno, and the music industry is extremely corrupt.  I still like some blues music, some porno, and some boxing.  But when I see it, I know it is fake, so it cannot affect me inwardly.  Hollywood and MMA is a joke and it insults my intelligence.  The actors these days are more handsome but cannot iterate a word.  They speak like a an autistic boy who ran low on his prescription of Ritalin.

MMA is for ass clowns.  If I jumped into the cage, I might kill a man with those four ounce little shits on.  There is a reason why they wear small gloves.  They possess less punching power.  The best backgrounds for MMA include freestyle wresling and no gi grappling.  But these skills are almost useless in a weapons situation or a surprise attack.  Stealth and Weapons is combat.  Self Defense is for children.  Grow up, man.

Hollywood is a joke.  If you take one bullet in the arm, you fall down crying even if you don't die.  You take one bullet to the chest or head, you are dead in a flash.  So I do not want to see Bruce Willis in an army outfit with fake M-16 in his hand cutting down a thousand enemy soldiers while his black sidekick gets killed in the first scene.  This is obviously fake shit and it insults me.

This post is about the disillusionment of youth.  You must realize that by 18 you are no longer a child and must fend for yourself.  Your parents can literally kick you out at age 18.  When I was 18, I was having a ball, and then when I turned 19, I lost my true love and became a heartbroken fool.  So I have spent over half my life in vain.

But when I discovered art, my whole life turned around.  I read a book about Haitan artists and one of them recanted his story.  He said, that at age 35, he considered his life a failure.  And then he discovered art.  And this turned his life around.

I was in my late 30s early 40s when I discovered art.  I spent the whole second half of 2018 doing line art.  Art is a type of mental health therapy and with it, I reduced my med regimen by over half.  I went from five meds to two meds and reduced the doses.  Most artists are crazy.  Most musicians are sex fiends.  Most poets cannot hold a day job.  Creative people have a lot of sexual energy. 

So I see art as my salvation.  I finished TCM school in 2001 and got one patient in my entire career.  I graduated graphic design school in 2015 and the past five years have been great.  Things really took off in 2017 when I got a mentor who encouraged me to put my stuff out there and see what it gets me.  I put my music and books and designs out there and it worked.  I started small and now i am growing.

I want to de-emphasize music and copywriting and focus on more graphic design jobs and more books on nutrition.  You cannot succeed if you are not socially valued.  Show business is about popularity.  It has nothing to do with merit.  The best musicians are not in rock n roll.  The best guys are not in Hollywood.  The best fighers are not in MMA.  Get over fiction and learn to love reality.  Reality means the objective truth.  Ultimately, man does not live in objective reality.  He only perceives the world through his senses and recreates the world in his brain.  So none of us can say this is the real truth.  God is in objective reality, and we are by nature subjective and flawed.  When you know you don't know, then you know.  And when you attack, you create an opening for counter attack.

My training in judo and kickboxing and aikido taught me many moral parables.  In judo, there is only attack and counter attack.  If you stand still, they Osoto you down immediately.  You either attack or counterattack, and counterattack almost always wins.  The best judoka are strong and stable on their fate and have the reflexes of a jungle cat. Judo is a martial art but can be used as physical educaiton because it is healthy, makes you strong, and teaches you principles of success.

So the best experiences in my life were training sambo and San Da, learning art, playing music in public, and moving out of my mother's house.  What I am trying to say is, you develop after birth and death is not the end.  Your spirit existed before your birth and will live on after your death.  The afterlife does not matter and it doesn't matter if Hinduism or Buddhism or Jainism has the more accurate view of the afterlife.

The meaning of life is victory.  Winning is everything.  You must win a date, you must win a friend, you must win a job, you must win a ham sandwhich, you must win an immortal soul, you must win salvation.  Good will win in the end.  So I have no fear.

There is a quote from Taoist philosophy.  'Birth and Death are decreed.  Wealth and Honor rest with God.'  This means, when you are born and when you die is a matter of fate.  Whether you are successful, and honored and rich and married and have kids is up to you.  Your life is up to you, but when you are born and when you die, is not up to you.  So do not lament your birth or fear your death.  That is cowardly.  Do not worry about birth and death, worry about living an honorable life and leaving something to posterity.

I internalized a lot of bullshit in my life, and now I am more wiser.  With this wisdom, I can use it to help others  Before I am dead in the grave, I will do many artworks, write many books, teach many sutdents, and have some fun while I am at it.

So I do not lament my misspent youth.  Everything happens for a reason, and ulitmately everything happens for the good.

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