Monday, August 10, 2020

Looks and Money

I feel compelled to write this.  Women these days are hard to please.  In America, they are very demanding and expect a lot out of a man.  They want looks and money.  If  man doesn't have a full head of hair, a six pack, a 6 inch cock, a 100,000 in the bank, drives a nice sports car, has a freakin day job, etc... he is not a contender.

I don't like high price women.  I feel all women are losers, and the best women are humble losers.  By nature, any man is better than any woman.  And there is no such thing as a transgender.  Amongst primitive creatures like Portuguese fighting fish, there is cases of males becoming females and females becoming males.  But this is amongst simple animals.

The mythology of Hinduism is based on science.  The first avatar was a simple turtle like creature in the primordial waters.  The last avatar will be Kalkin, the preserver of Truth.  Some say Buddha, the 8th avatar, was an evil incarnation of God who taught wrong religious views like no soul and no reality.

The meaning of life is simply to keep living.  If you want to die, you are a loser.  That is why suicide is considered a crime in the USA.  You are mudering yourself.  Sex is about carring on the genome.  Self Defense is about survival and victory.  Eating is about nourishing yourself.  The root chakra oversees food, sex, and aggression.  That is where you start.

But as you move put the chakras, you end in the crown chakra.  This governs enlightenment and being in touch with the universe.  

Women want looks and money.  Nobody gets free sex.  The reason why high school girls fuck for free is that they live in their parents home so they don't pay rent money.  The reason why children fight without weapons is because their hands are slow and they want to prove their better.  And kids listen to rock n roll because it excites them and makes them want to dance.

I don't like American women.  Most of them are overweight, they are fake looking, they are conceited, and they are deceptive.  In a society where you must hustle to make money, sex is a commodity, and the more beautiful you are the more valuable you are.

But I value different things in women.  I like sincerity, humility, honesty, self reliance, and courage.  These are not typical qualities in a woman.  Most women have no courage and are not honest.

I don't go to bars because that is not where the fun is.  The worst fighters, lovers, musicians, and chefs are at a bar.  I can beat anybody in any bar in new york city.  I am a better musician than anyone in current pop music.  I possess a ten inch cock.  And my home cooking is better than anything I ever tasted at a restaurant.  They use extremely low quality oils and salts in restaurants in order to maximize profit margins.

What I am trying to say is, Reversal is the Movement of the Tao.  People compensate for what they don't have.  In a society where you must be number one or nobody, you talk like you are number one but in your heart you know you are nobody.  This is called the Active compensation mechanism.  You try to pretend to be what you are not.  The reason why I never leave the house is because I don't like the world.  My home cooking is better than restaurant food.  I enjoy playing guitar better than going to a noisy nightclub.  I want peace and feel threatened by punk ass dudes in baggy pants with the hat backwards.  I make friends with anyone around me.  I am a quiet homebody.

I don't like the world.  I don't like most women.  I see no value in money.  I see the TV as being fake ass bullshit.  The world seems to be an illusion.  When you realize the world is an illusion, it doesnt affect you anymore.  When you become conscious, you can solve your problems.   

So I do not like American women.  If I visited Europe, women would approach me at the metro station.  European women are much more easy than American women.  And Christianity died in Europe in the mid 19th century.  They don't even pretend to have morality anymore.   You can see pornography on the newstands in France or Germany.  But America keeps its integrity, that is why America is better.

So I do not want to travel to Europe or Africa.  I just want to stay local and get to know my little corner of the world.  Long Island girls are all pretty good.  They are fit and toned but a bit overweight because they eat too many cinnabons.  But country will grow.

So I must learn to manipulate female psychology and win dates.  Most women are strippers and pornstars.  They just don't walk around saying it.  Most people over 18 have tact and restraint.

I love fighting and keep my integrity til judgement day.  The more danger there is, the more excitement there is.  Because crisis means opportunity.  When there is chaos, there is a chance to both win and lose.  So if you stay at home all day, you accomplish nothing, and if you go out and try, you are bound to win one out of ten times even if you are totally random.

So I will enjoy my home life and strive to improve my position outside the home.

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