Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Action Reaction

Every day, I learn new things.  Life is not static.  It is not about one thing and one thing only.  I observe and reflect and grow.  I do not stop learning.  I helped a friend do grocery shopping and he helped me back by hooking me up with some food.  So I learned that Kano's axioms are right.

Mutual Welfare and Benefit is the premise of society.  I help you and you help me back.  And if I hurt you, you have a right to hurt me.  But if I do nothing for nobody, nobody helps me.  This is called equity.  The universe was founded on equity.  

I have plans for the future.  I want more jobs in the graphic design field, I want to publish more books on nutrition, and I plan on writing a comic book or illustrated book for children.  But these things do not happen easy.  You must dream up an idea, plan it, do prelimary sketches, and accomplish the goal by a series of acts.  I have the tools to do it.  But I must get active.  And the more I do, the more I get.

So I must put behind me the past of music and combat sports and all the girls I wish I had dated in high school and all that jazz.  Porno and MMA is bad entertainment.  I stayed childlike for too long.  One brother helped me learn judo.  The other is helping me learn to grind a dayjob.  Judo is survival on a more primitive level, work is survival on a more sophisticated level.

So Maslow was right.  You go from low to high.  Music is based on the bass.  Health is based on nutrition.  All religious knowledge is rooted in the bible.  You start at the base and you work up to the noble.  But I took a long time to learn.

So my future is in graphic design and nutrition books and I plan on learning cartooning and storyboarding and ultimately creating digital comics for young people.  Kids between the age of 15 and 30 are punks exploring themselves.  You must get them when they are young.  By age 30 or 35, you are spent like an arrow.  And then life is only slowly dying.  A Hindu plans his life according to the ideal lifespan.  In Hindu philosophy a man should live 100 years.  But this is just an ideal.  Some live 80, some live 60, some die in youth.  Some die in their teenage years, which is a tragedy.  I do not need longevity.  I simply want to live and die in peace.

So I will do what I must do before I am done.

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