Monday, August 17, 2020


There is a teaching in Voodoo that souls reincarnate around the same souls over and over again in different paradigms.  Your father might die, and be reincarnated as your grandson.  The soul of a man never dies.  The soul is immortal, the body is transient.

So your family is important.  It is not just your culture or racial identity.  You feel an afinity for your people.  And when you create new relationships, you create connections.  Souls know each other through affinity.

I feel I had a good life although I didn't accomplish much.  I spent a lot of time in isolation.  But I never feel alone.  I think the first thing you should work on is enlightenment.  Worldly things don't interest me.  You can learn by doing or you can learn to like the spirituality.  Most of all, I like music and philosophy and also grappling.  I have a lot of life experience.

My real family never left me.  There is a belief in yoga that when you think about someone you reach them somehow.  When you think of someone, you tune into their frequency.  A person is like a radio station.  And modern technology is almost useless.

So I am glad I know my real family and not my evil family that ruined my life.  I wasted more than two decades.  I am like Rumpelstiltzken waking up in a distant generation with nothing to show for it.  Google Rumpelstiltzken.  I survived a lot.

So I know that I will be just fine.  There is a belief in Kaballah that a person should balance between thinking the whole world is for him and the other extreme that the he is insignificant.  Both are equally true.  Because all we know is subjectivity.  Only God knows reality.  So when I hear Bob Dylan lyrics, I hear myself, because it is like a Rorshach test.  He was inspired by the Muse, and the Muse means the Akashic Record.  

So the world is for you, and every person is a hero of their own story.  I just happened to be very talented.  But there are plenty of talented people out there.  

It turns out the Chinese and the Hebrews are very similar people.  In Tao, they speak of the Three Pure Ones.  And in Jewish mythology, they speak of Enoch the Wise, Elijah the Prophet, and the rebirth of Melchizedek.  So the Jews have a prophecy similar to the Taoists.  The Chinese are on the continent of Asia similar to the Jews.  Jewish people are neither European nor African.  

I am glad I left my mother's home and I am on my own.  I don't feel in prison anymore.  I can live a simple life and be happy.  When I go out, I see some as good and some as bad.  Good people radiate the late and bad people don't shine.  Good people are pure and wholesome and bad people seem dark even up close.

So I pity this generation.  The Millenials are not that good.  They have it easier and they can make money and know technology but I am of the belief that each generation gets worse not better.  So we will wait and see what the future brings.  I am content to live my life.  

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