Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Changing of the Guard

Life is not the same way it used to be.  I was a teenager in the 90s and even then things were getting crazy.  I was depressed in high school and was suffering from disbiosis so I would go like a zombie through school, sleep in the afternoons, and watch MTV all evening and night long.

I didn't accomplish much.  But I can't complain.  I had lots of friends in high school and I gained a lot of talents along the way.  I was already fully formed by 1995.  

By the 1990s, music was changing.  The Grunge Rock was a reaction to the fake music of the 1980s.  These guys were rockstars who didn't want to be rockstars.  This is a bit of a paradox.  I want to be a rockstar and I am not a rockstar.

I feel the music of the past 25 years was crap.  There are a few songs here and there, but I feel my music is the best.  I started playing guitar in 1995 and only started recording albums in 2017.  So for over 20 years, only local people heard my music.  

It was going to a native american festival on long island and being scared by two native american bullies that inspired me to write a song.  I have never seen such fearsome men in my life.  Native Americans do not need to go to karate dojos, they are karate.

So I went home and learned to play a John Lee Hooker song in open G tuning.  And from this I expanded my style.  For a long time I just played boogies and simple one chord tunes until I discovered a book on Chuck Berry and his guitar style.  It wasn't just about his songs, it contained a breakdown of his guitar style, and this influenced me profoundly.

So I went from John Lee Hooker to Chuck Berry and later I incorporated elements of Jimi Hendrix and Robert Johnson.  In recent years I discovered Lightnin Hopkins and he is now my favorite musician.  Watching Lightnin sitting alone with his guitar playing the blues is the most entertaining thing.

So I feel the music of the past 20 years was crap.  Even the actors are crap.  The new generation has nothing going for them.  They are more fit and more good looking and yet they have no talent.  When I see birthdays of celebrities over 40 I am happy, because I understand longevity is merit.   I don't even like people under 30.

The human lifespan is such that by 30 you are past your prime, by 40 you are middle aged, and by 50 your health problems begin.  Life is very short.

So I see this generation as pathetic.  People born in the 40s and 50s are called the Baby Boomers.  People born in the 60s and 70s are called Generation X.  And the people alive now are the Millenials.  The Baby Boomers were wild and free and tried to change the world.  Rock n Roll was a great invention and there was some good in it.  Generation X was in doubt and questioning itself.  They were rebelling and depressed.  And this modern generation is a joke.  All they know is technology.  The computer became popular in the mid 90s, the smart phone 10 years later.  These labor saving devices ruined everything.

In general, technology ruins everything.  The only reason Europeans could conquer the Americas was because of guns.  Native Americans are better warriors, wrestlers, doctors, lovers, and artists.  But the spirit medicine didn't protect them from the bullets.  Most European men suffer from microfallus and cannot punch straight.  So saying survival of the fittest is bullshit.  Native Americans are warriors and would rather die than be slaves.  They were either killed, died by pestilence, were relegated to the reservation, or were intermarried with the white man.  

When Malinche slept with a Spaniard, she was not doing something evil.  She knew she would give rise to a new race that would save the planet.  By nature, a Latino is part European and part native American.  The word Latino is synonymous with Mestizo.  Mestizo means 'mixed race'.  

There are four primeval races, and the Latinos are the fifth race.  And in Native American mythology, there is the prophecy of the five suns and the five human races.  This is the fifth sun, and Latinos are the best people.  

It turns out that art and mythology is not a waste of time.  It is simply using creativity to solve your problems.  I spent my whole childhood studying art, mythology, music, nutrition, and the books I read about judo inspired me to train.  I led a good life but didn't accomplish much.  

So I look at the world with a heavy heart.  The world is not improving.  But a spiritual man knows as one door closes another opens.  The cycles of life, death, and rebirth repeat.  That is the symbolism of trinity in Christianity, Cetlic paganism, and Hinduism.  It is a scientific law.  Every day, the sun rises in the East, goes down in the West, goes through the underworld, and rises again the next morning.  

So I know rock n roll music is kid's music, but it makes me happy.  I am simply going to live my days out in peace and play guitar. I feel I am the last great musician and the one who saved rock n roll.  It went from Chuck Berry to the Beatles to Elton John to Billy Joel to Kurt Cobain to yours truly.  There were great acts here and there in the past twenty years but I feel I am better.  The money is not the issue.  I released 6 albums in three years and my life is great.  I feel so happy to know people are listening to my music and think I am cool.

When I play music, I try to sound like Chuck Berry had he never invented rock n roll.  I go from Chuck Berry backwards to blues and jazz.  He tried to combined Rosetta Tharpe's sound with T Bone Walker's guitar and write lyrics that appealed to the mainstream audience.  So my music is rhythmic and soulful and bass heavy.  I use simple chord progressions and melodic rhythm.  I like my own music.

So I feel I saved rock n roll music.  It is a secular gospel music for modern times.  Chuck Berry was a skillful criminal who executed a plan to manipulate the youth market.  And I took his genre and made it about spirituality and emotions.  So I am a kind of musical rebel.  The meaning of life is Tikkun.  To understand your innate shortcoming, to correct it, and come back from defeat.  I used to love streetfighting, free sex, and listening to rock n roll.  And then I realized this is kid's stuff.  Nobody gets free sex.  Nobody fights without weapons.  And rock n roll is a music of angst and frustration and rebellion.  It is ridiculous for thirty year old men to entertain 15 year olds and manipulate their emotions.  The Beatles suck.

So it is the changing of the guard.  The only good thing about the world now is there is more music than ever.  But there is also more mental illness, technology, strippers, unwanted pregnancies, and violence than ever.  I don't like the modern era.  But what can I do?  

These are dark times.  But all I can do is enjoy my time on earth and be at peace.

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