Thursday, August 6, 2020

P and B

This is something I learned which stands for 'pork and beans'.  It is the most humble, common dish, and yet, the most good.  This post will be about nutrtition.

The most humble, simple answer is always the best.  In nutrition, you do not need to overdo it.  Less is more.  That was the whole premise of my first book.  You get to be the master by doing less with more efficency, not flailing.  Flailing doesn't work.

Pork and Beans, chicken and rice, beans and cheese, cheese sandwich, are all things I make on a regular basis.  It is not hard to figure out diet.  It is not rocket science.  Nutrition is the first thing you should learn as a child.  Nutrition is not everything, but it is the first step.  The final step is spirituality, and between those two things you should get a job.

But back to nutrition.  The humble, simple thing is always best.  I seem to have mastered nutrition.  I started cooking about 17 years ago when I got into a situation where I gained a lot of weight and wanted to cure myself through diet.  I would go to the local library and take out books on Atkins diet, ethnic cuisine, and nutrition.  And over ten years or so, I imbibed, pardon the pun, a lot of knowledge about nutrition.  

It wasn't until I met Luke Cummo, a former UFC fighter who practices vegan nutrition that I learned how to help myself.  While I am not a strict vegan, I learned from him things that most people don't know.  Obviously, raw foods veganism is malnutrition.  But it is better to be underfed than overfed, and most people in America are overfed.  They eat too much, get sick, and go to the doctor to fix them.

This is obviously a flawed medical model.  If you don't eat too much, you don't get sick and then you can skip the trip to the doctor.  Get real.  Nutrition as medicine is taken seriously in India, but here it is not.  Because medicine is just a business.  

Open Market Economy seems to ruin everything.  At once, it allows for growth and competition and rivalry, but also, there is no moral compass.  The only requisite for doing something is, can I afford to?  Will I make a profit margin?  Am I making enough to cover costs?  There is no morality in business, and it seems, there is no limit to the evil men do.

So I produce both albums and books.  The music is just for fun and to pretend I am Chuck Berry.  But writing the books is my way of using my education to help people.  I cannot practice acupuncture in a clinical setting.  And massage is not my style.  But if I can educate the public on health and nutrition, then I have done my job.

So what I am trying to say is, less is more.  When you intentionally live simpler, you are happier than someone who overdoes it.  All this American food is low quality and just manipulates your evolutionary need for fat, sugar, and salt.  They are manipulating you to their advantage.

As the years go by, I want to write more nutrition books.  And in my personal life, I want to study about Mexican food.  I know a lot about Indian food, because Indian food is home food.  But I am ethnically a type of Latino and I want to know about my own culture.  Potatoes are boring.

So look out for my new book.  It is coming soon.

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