Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The West is in Decline

I am sad to see it go.  Even in my small narrow view of martial arts and music, I see the world is declining.  We are approaching judgement day.  I started guitar and grappling in the 90s and I see the world is not improving, it is degrading.

Physically, we are bigger and fluffier and faster than ever, but morally and spiritually, we are losing our edge.  Boxing is more classy than MMA.  Blues music is more classy than Porno.  This generation is addicted to Porno and MMA and it is ruining them.  It is not just entertainment.  One Greek philosopher said, 'A society can be judged by how it spends it's leisure time.'  This society is debased.

In an open market economy, you must be sneaky and learn the game quick.  In a situation where it is every man for himself, learn to survive.  By the age of 18, you are no longer a minor and can be kicked out of your parent's home to fend for yourself.  Grow up fast not slow.

The west is in decline and we are approaching Judgement Day.  I like showbusiness and feel I could have been somebody.  But I never served in the military or police, never was a famous musician or actor.  Things didn't turn out the way I thought they would.

I wrote about this in a previous post about how things went from Muhammed Ali to Mike Tyson and John Lennon to Kurt Cobain.  Even in 20 or 30 years things quickly degrade.  So the JudeoChristian worldview is accurate, every generation gets worse not better and you cannot be greater than your father.  You may be physically better, but you are morally more crapulent.

So I am heavy in heart and look forward to death.  I can enjoy my last few years on earth and be in peace.  I like music and poetry and zen and morality.  I also like the basic things like food and sex and self defense.  Those are basic things common to all humans. 

I am now working on a new album which I will have ready by Labor Day.  So I must do it all this month.  And I want to publish another book by the end of 2020.  My album will be called, 'Rhythm and Blues World Service' and the book will be called, 'Health, Strength, and Self Defense'.  My music is about preserving the old rhythm and blues and my books are about wholistic health and nutrition. 

So I am resigned in the face of death.  It doesn't matter to me.  There is no success.  If we are all mortal, then God is better than any man who ever lived.  And I think I am the best man.

So life is not perfect, but I must accept what is.  I endured a lot, experienced a lot, and feel better than ever.  I can't do self defense, but I can do combat and survival.  I can't get free sex, but I can go to the strippety strip.  And I play my own version of rock n roll and dream of things that could have been. 

When you are in high school, it is all about free sex and self defense and rock n roll.  And then you go to college and transition in to adult life.  And then you are in the real world, and the real world is all about money and women.  Money is worldly value and women love money. 

So I must fight the good fight til I'm done.

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