Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Daily Grind

The meaning of life is found in the every day activities.  The mundane is the extraordinary.  Do not go looking for the fun in exotic places or the nightclub or the whorehouse.  If you are happy in your mind, you are happy, and the external circumstances do not matter.

I see this life as pointless.  I do not even like the world, but since I do not want to die, I simply must enjoy the here and now.  I know that when you are dead you are free from the constraints of physicality.  In our youth, we are strong and able and think it will last forever.  But in your late twenties, you peak, you explode, and by 30 you are already over the hill.  The happiest year of most people's lives is the age of 33, because at that age you realize lust and violence is not the best part of life.  Lust is joyous and violence is exciting but that is not real happiness.  The real meaning of life is desire or love.  You do what you love until you can no longer stand up.

I desire music and art and poetry.  I am very creative.  But nobody owes me free shit.  Get real.  The whole premise of society is I help you and you help me and we all win.  It is not beat everyone down, aggrandize yourself and then I am Cassius.  Muhammed Ali knew he was a jokey humble athlete who couldn't really fight.  But there was no gap between what he could say and what he could do.  So he was a sports hero.

This shit is ridiculous.  I simply want to enjoy the daily grind.  I am not results oriented.  The result of life is death.  I am not intent on dying a hero.  When you are dead, you are equally dead as Ghandi and Hitler and everything in between. 

I know I am the best man in the worst position, and all the people of the world are not happy and not spiritual.  I see the intangible and they see the tangible, so they have more stuff but I am more happy.  And the meaning of life is simply to be happy and useful.  You don't get a gold medal.

I like art and music and being creative.  Sexual energy and creative energy is the same thing.  You can sit around masturbating all day or you can do something.  Do not masturbate all day.  That is an epic waste. I know there are some masturbation addicts out there reading this blog.

I am content with my life.  I simply want to live a good life and die a contented death.  All the dreams of my youth were just vanity and daydreaming.  Boxing, porno, and music is just showbusiness.  I am not there anymore.  But now that I am middle aged, I can dedicate my time to things that matter.  I like art, I like Aikido, and I like nutrition.  My skill and knowledge of nutrtition is uncanny.  I am the Master.

I see art as my vocation, Aikido as my religion, and nutrition as my gift to humanity.  If you do not know the basic of nutrition by age 15, they are going to use you.  That is what my two books on Amazon are about.  Living a good lifestyle.  Every Hindu knows nutrition is the first thing you learn.  I think my books are great and contain a lot of knowledge condensed into a few pages. 

You can write the same themes over and over again in 300 pages or you can just say it simply and plainly.  My first book was 19 pages long and my second was 35 pages long.  I am happy I am a published author.  Writing about health and nutrition is like being a doctor without practicing acupuncture or massage or any kind of intervention.  That is just a business.

So the beat goes on and I am content.  I am working on monetizing what I do.  I want to get more graphic design jobs, publish books, and practice martial arts and conditioning.  I like Aikido now more than Judo or Sambo or the wrestlemania crackerjacks in the cage.  My life is rich and I am content.  Money is not the issue. 

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