Thursday, August 20, 2020

Less is More

The weekend is approaching and I realize a new lesson every day.  I helped a friend do grocery shopping ai got a week's supply of groceries, and i got a few bucks in my pocket.  So I learn that you help people and they help you.  But if you stay at home philosophizing and scheming and plotting revenge, you are an impotent loser.  My nuclear family taught me wrong ideas and wrong values, and I had no one to compare to, so I thought I was one of them.

Less is more.  When you do the bare minimum, and are content with it, you get everything you need, and then you get free time and money to do whatever the hell you want.  Solomon observed this is in the bible.. Anythign beyond the bare minimum goes to someone else.  I have met a handful of friends who possess this wisdom and humility.  You do not get more stuff for doing more things.  The more you go, the less you know.  Just doing a simple life of a simple man is better than being president or being a CEO or being a rockstar.

I feel content with my life, and how I am living.  But I know if I want more women and guitars and food and more trips to the Halal restaurant, I need more money.  I am reluctant to get a real job, because I am one lazy motherfucker.  But I am starting to see what is real.  Money is power, and if I want power, I need the money.

Judo is power on a more physical level.  Work is power on a more societal level.  I have several skills i can use, including sport culture, art, music, and nutrition.  These are all aspects of shamanic culture.  In Mexcio, the healer is the leader too.  And the ideal leader is man-womanish.  White dudes laugh at the idea of an effiminate man woman.  But Latinos understand the concept of the androgyn male.  Androgyny makes you more sexy and more complete.  I notice all the rockstars from past to present were androygnous.  Beginnig Elvis, Chuck Berry, Paul McCartney, Jim Morisson, Freddie Mercury, down to all the modern guys.  Balance between masuclinity and feminity does not make you a freak, it makes you powerful because harmony is power.  Light contains 7 colors that add up to white.  When you add colors on paper, it adds up to black.  So I work with digital cartoons not solid medium.  

So I am content but willing to do more to get more.  I met many wounded warriors, many good losers, many humble champions, and many talented failures.  There are also arrogant conceited winners and rich men who think they are rick because they are better.  But there are many factors in who wins and who loses.

So if I want to live and die in peace, I must get on my bike and ride.

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