Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Show and Tell

 I think I would take this fine morning to show off one of my artworks.  In recent months, I stopped drawing and sketching new artworks and just began recoloring old line art in new ways.  I need a new scanner.  But until that time, I will make do with what I have.  I see art as being more lucrative than rock n roll music in this cultural mileu.  Nobody listens to rock n roll anymore.  It is a historic genre that died out in the late 1970s.  I guess folks today aint got the same soul.

So here is my artwork of the day.

This is an old artwork I recolored and added new typography to.  Obviously, boxing is a retarded sport for people who want to pugilize each other.  It is a legal, socially sanctioned way for alpha males to express rage and not go to the house of detention.  I find it oddly fascinating and yet I don't like it.

This design is based on a quick sketch I did on a drawing pad, scanned into the computer, and digitally colored in Photoshop.  Since I have not mastered digital rendering techniques yet, there is no cel-shading yet, so the colors are saturated with no sense of light and dark.  So the art is very bright and pure and makes you happy.  It is like an elevated children's art.

I visit the subject of pugilism a lot because it is ridiculous and yet makes me happy.  I know the features of this boxer are distorted, but smart people don't do boxing.  They get jobs.  The colors are simple, the lines are thick and done over with a marker, and the typography is just beginner level.  But I constantly aim to improve my skills.

So I should switch my focus of this blog from crazy political, racial ideas and my theories about combat sports and the history of rock n roll music and get back to promoting my art career.  I have written volumes on this blog and have given away books of ideas.  If I was smart, I would be more sneaky.  But I do not wish to give away my position.  I am incognito.

So look out for more art from me.

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