Thursday, August 6, 2020

The Old Boxing vs MMA Debacle.

These combat sports are just showbusiness.  These guys know they are just athletes entertaining us.  But all men need entertainment at the end of the workday or workweek.  I like these combat sports.

If you notice, even amongst combat sports there is a racial divide.  The blacks and Latinos like boxing and the whites and Chinese like MMA.  But this is indicative of their racial characteristics.  Boxing is a fight with gloves on, MMA is self defense without weapons.  But self defense is for children.   Kids fight on the playground to see who is better.  They are boys, they want to prove they are better and humiliate you.

A real man know how to fight but wants peace.  That is what it means to be a peaceful warrior.  He doesn't go looking for a fight.

Both Boxing and MMA is ridiculous sports entertainment.  I think Boxing takes more skill but MMA is more about aggression and knowledge and integration of styles.  So both are interesting.  The Dominicans in the Bronx laugh at MMA, every MMA guy secretly admires boxing.

So the beat goes on and I continue.  

I went from shootfighting to boxing, and then went from judo to sambo.  I have an accurate opinion about sport and self defense.  I am not a green belt working on the brown belt syllabus.  Results mean nothing, I am a budo master.   Boxing is better than judo and the world does not need a more realistic combat sport.

The Ancient Greeks had three sports, boxing, wrestling, and MMA, which they called 'pankration'.  They also had weapons grappling which is not a sport.  Every ancient Greek knew boxing is better than wrestling and pankration is a kind of sports entertainment.  Essentially, MMA and pro wrestling is the same thing and it doesn't work.  The main thing in a fight is punching and trapping and weapons.

So I keep my eye on modern Boxing and MMA but moderate it.  The more I watch, the more angry I become.  This is gross entertainment and is no better than porno.  A cagefighter loves fighting, a pornstar loves fucking.  But this is not real.  

What the rise of MMA really means is, our culture is more permissive than ever and we are approaching the end times.  People felt boxing wasn't realistic enough and wrestling is too scholastic.  So we want a vicious beatdown in a cage to entertain ourselves at the bars on the weekends.  We are approaching the end times.

The more liberal a society becomes, the more close to extinction it becomes.  Hold on to morality.  It keeps you alive.  

I remember many things from early MMA. It wasn't just fighting, it was educational.  I saw karate blackbelts being dragged along by their hair across the mat by kickboxers.  I saw a kung fu master be beat down, I saw a boxer flat on his back with no gi.  This shit is ridiculous.  Self defense has to do with ego, so people inflate their ego thinking they can fight when the average 15 year old black kid can knock them out at will.

Don't inflate your ego.  Sport is reality.  If you can't spar, you can't fight.  A combat sport is a fight with rules, a streetfight is a fight without rules.  If you never fight with rules, you will never be able to fight without rules.  Sport leads to reality, and 85% of men are terrible athletes.  Most guys flail.

This is ridiculous.  Karate is about zen, it is not about being a tough guy.  A warrior wants peace.  Ueshiba, Kano, Oyama, Funakoshi, etc... were all religious men who wanted abundant peace.  If they were aggressive and bragadocious, they would have died young.  Embodying reality means embodying paradoxes.  A warrior wants peace and a punk is aggressive and confident.  And ultimately, which means in the end, punks rule the world and angry, aggressive warriors are poor living off of welfare.  There is no justice.

So all things end in the judeochristian bible.  Religion is not just the 'opiate of the masses'.  It is consolation for living in a distorted world ruled by the devil.  All that matters is the temple of the spirit.  Money, Women, Fame, Honor, Business, Media, and Politics is the devil's work.  You can have none of it and still live a good life.  But I want a bit of power and pleasure too.  

So I don't need to philosophize on combat vs self defense all the time.  When you need it, look up some boxing or MMA stuff.  Or look up your own bizarre fetish on Pornhub.  Porno and MMA is ruining a generation.  The Baby Boomers were about rock n roll and rebellion.  Generation X was about figuring yourself out.  The Millenials can't fight and can't make sweet love to a woman, because they are too dependent on technology.  I see no hope for the human race.

I realize the world is not the way it should be.  But I cannot do anything to save the world.  I can only live for myself and lessen my karmic debt.  So rock on, and stay woke as fuck.

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