Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Blind Faith

 Your lifestyle is your religion.  It is not what you say in church one day a week or what you believe is true or how much money is in your bank account.  That doesn't matter.  There are different types of Buddhism according to your personality.

Theravada is about retreating to the monestary, being vegan, celibate, living off of alms, not fighting and attaining nirvana for yourself.  Mahayana is based on the premise of attaining kensho, teaching dharma for all your years, and then dying and finding bliss.

There are different schools of Buddhism.  Tibetan Buddhism is about meditating until you find spiritual powers and can do great things.  There is also Zen Buddhism where your lifestyle is your religion.  People in Japan do not go to church or even visit monks or priests.  They are not religious people.  Their life is their offering.  The way you eat, sleep, shit, make love, fight, do art, do music, cook a meal, sing a song, even the porno is influenced by their beliefs.

The reason America is so miserable is because they abandon faith, because if you are religious you can't fuck and fight and play your guitar and make sweet love to a woman.  But this comes from a guilty conscience.  And it comes from wrong science undermining faith.  All the ideas of the 19th century were wrong, and technology ruined our lives.  

Chuck Berry was a shrewd man who executed a strategy to manipulate the youth market.  With the advent of farm technology, you did not need to work the farm during the summer and a 15 year old boy could work a day job and spend his hard earned money on his girlfriend, comic books, and rock albums.  So Chuck Berry saw an opportunity to sell black music to white kids with the loot.  He was not evil, he was just shrewd.  But I dig his sound.

So you can reconcile religion and having a good time.  It turns out, religious people have the most fun, because they have the most passion and most desire.  They are great lovers, they will fight if they have to, their music is better than Eric Clapton on his best day, and some food at the church is not too shabby.

So everything is its opposite in Tao.  The obvious thing is not true.  The counterintuitive is true.  Soft men are hard, hard men are punks.  Softness is power, that is where Judo and Jujutsu comes from.  Yielding is strength.

So I have no declared religion.  I read the Tao Te Ching and the Baghavad Gita and it helped me master the concepts of msyticism.  When you master your mind, you become more efficient than a computer.  But ultimately, all we do amounts to nothing, because mortal men are day flies.  Just have fun while you can and be humble.  There are immortals in the bible, inlcuding Enoch the Wise, Elijah the Prophet, and Ezra became Ezrae-el.  So there are two immortals and one transcendent immortal in the bible.  

I know prophets are always martyred.  They martyred Bob Marley.  But the life of an ectastic healer is better than the life of Peter North or Bill Gates.  One gets to blast women's faces and the other has Machivellian schemes to take over the world.  I admire Peter North more than I admire Bill Gates.

So the beat goes on and I continue.  There is no meaning to life, we simply live to keep living.  So I keep living and keep surviving.  And by not being ambitious, I accomplish a lot of things and I just give it away because I don't care about money.  The best people I met in my life did not like money.  They just liked a peaceful lifestyle.  I met a vetrinarian who said, "Money cannot buy happiness"  It's just worldly value.  Health is worth more.  So is integrity.

So I will just keep doing what I do, and be happy with it.

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