Monday, August 24, 2020


I am starting to think less about self defense and combat.  I want better things in life.  There is a difference between boxing and MMA and karate and all that jazz.  MMA doesn't work, it is a kind of contest.  Nobody kicks from far away and grapples in close.  The foundational skill of pankration is wrestling on the knees and kicking from far away.  But this doesn't work.  The reason why they kick in MMA is because if they commit to the punches the other guy will shoot and tackle them. 

The real world is about punching and weapons.  Self Defense is about punching them before they punch you.  Sometimes, they clinch you before you put your hands up, and it ends in a pinning situation.  In self defense, just punch and establish range.  The main thing of boxing is the jab and footwork.

I was deluded about grappling and MMA.  It is garbage.  When I was in these BJJ dojos, I noticed they are all arrogant champions and they don't know sport is not reality.  It is just a training tool.

I am starting to like Karate and Aikido and how they go together.  It is part of Budo, the philosophy of self defense as a religion.  We live so we can fight, reproduce, and eat.  The root chakra governs food, sex, and aggression.  We eat to live, we fight to live, and we reproduce constantly because reproduction is a kind of genetic immortality.  The meaning of life is to keep living.

All martial arts originated with Pelawani and Kung Fu.  The Indians and Chinese are very similar to each other and learn from each other.  Kung Fu is about punching, trapping, and weapons.  Real fighting involves weapons.  The main thing is to punch, clinch, and use melee weapons.  Everyone knows this.

Now that I am reaching maturity, I know self defense is for children.  Aggression is wrong.  Nonviolence is the best self defense.  When you do no harm, no harm is done to you.  The only way to win anything or be a champion is by knowing action-reaction.

I used to think about Aryan Supremacy, Psychology, Nietzsvhe's philosophy and Judo alot.  But this is all poppycock.  No one is superior.  Being a wrestling or judo champion is just kid's stuff.  All the ideas of Europe of the 19th century were based on grandiosity.  Even psychology, which is based on Nietzsche's philosophy is wrong and based on not believing in the immortal soul.  Hitler was arrogant, Nietzsvhe thought he was better than God, Psychology is about weilding power over others, and wrestling and judo is useless.  People laugh at wrestling champions because it doesn't work and it doesn't make you better.  Nobody cares if you are the champion.  And belt rank started in judo as a measure of progress.  In kung fu, there are no belts.

The zen lifestyle is about living a simple life and being quiet.  Food, sex, and aggression is just the begining.  A good man wants peace, eats simply, and moderates sexuality.  And then you go up from there.  Enlightenment means the kundalini awakening.  

So I am learning to move on.  I like music and zen and nutrition and my art.  Karate is for kids, and although boxing is fun to watch, it is too exciting and infuriating.  I just want peace and to enter a different state of maturity.  

I know I must live a better life.  So I am moving on.  

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