Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Freedom and Immortality

This is the goal of all yogic practice.  The point of life is not to acquire more stuff or win the World Series.  You are going to die anyway.  You cannot take it with you when you go.  Life is like a song, it starts on the rootnote it goes through several changes, and it ends at the beginning.  It is for this reason that there is no getting anywhere in life.

I enjoy my life.  Had I not attained zen in 1986, I would not be here.  I won immortality and therefore, I am alive.  A man can live without a body, but a man cannot live without a spirit.  A human being is mind, body, spirit.  The body is reconstituted nutrition, the spirit is the animating force from God, and the mind cannot be undesrtood.  The fourth aspect is the emotions.

We meditate so we can achieve enlightenment.  Zen does not just mean meditation.  It means spiritual attainment.  When you achieve the moment of zen, you understand reality and are not caught up in rebirth anymore.  

The meaning of life is to be happy.  In this world, we are not happy.  And we do wrong things that make us less happy.  Coca Cola tastes sweet but it is essentially poison.  And meds taste acrid but heal us inwardly.

So everything is compensating from extreme yin to yang.  When you embody equilibrium, you embody balance and power.  When you are extremely yin or yang, you are erratic and unhappy.

So I am not intent on making more money, I want a better work/life balance.  I know I need more jobs to get more lapdances.  But I want simply to live a better life and die a better death.  The values of the world don't affect me, it means nothing to me.  If I died a penniless hobo, I would be happy and I was Surgeon General I would also be happy.

I want more but I am not intent on more.  I must simply work harder and get more results.  

But since I attained zen at such a young age, I can be content with myself.  In 1986, I attained kensho after learning the folly of violence.  Some Hispanic kid insulted me, I tackled him, got full mount on him, and bashed his head into the ground.  I was angry and full of rage.  I started kicking everyone on the playground and attacking people at will.  And then one Indian friend said to me 'you can't just go around kicking people!'  and at that, I attained kensho.

So the meaning of my life was realizing nonviolence is the only path to victory.  Aggression is wrong.  And doing nothing is also wrong.  All a man must do is do his duty and keep the wheel in motion.

I like the Beatles.  At the height of their fame, they went to India and learned Yoga.  In the 1960s, they were the most famous and popular people in the world, and even they realized fame and honor is nothing.  The spirit is worth more than the body.

So my life is my offering.  My lifestyle is my religion.  In Japan, there is no religion. There lifestyle is their faith, so they are not hypocrites.  They don't even like the zen monks in their black robes.  

I want to work and make more money and be a kind person.  I realize the devil has power over this world.  But since I am alive I must endure.  Graphic Design is a kind of career field.  I want to be more succesful.  It doesn't make you more happy, it just gives you more power and pleasure.

The message of this post is, the real accomplishment is zen, and worldiness is sin.  But since we are alive, we must balance between the spirit and the flesh.

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