Wednesday, August 5, 2020

What's My Motivation?

I keep asking myself why I write this blog.  What's my motivation?  So I will just drop it.  I am trying to promote myself and build a following.  I do not pay to use this blog, but neither does anyone pay me.  So I am an intern in my own business.

I have several income streams including music and books and graphic design and some government money.  But the key to making it in this economy is to diversify income streams.  And in addition, you should do continuing education and keep developing your skills.  The degree is just a qualification for the jobby job.

So my motivation is to aggrandize myself and razzle dazzle you.  I make most of my money from office work, but I see music as a form of expression and my books as a form of education of the public.  I am constantly turning thoughts into words and emotions into songs.  It is like alchemy.  

I know music and books is not that lucrative but I don't do if for the money.  I do it because I want to leave somthing to posterity.  The day job is to make the money and survive.  But life is more than just survival.  It is about business before pleasure.  You have to do the service before you get to enjoy yourself.

So I will keep doing the right thing to get the right thing.  The most important book I ever read was called the Baghavad Gita.  It empowered me with a philosophy and worldview that makes a lot of sense.  And this is what gave me the belief in myself that I was meant to win.

So everything I accomplished so far was based on my philosophical beliefs.  I mastered a lot of things like boxing and judo and guitar and drawing and writing and grocery shopping and negotiating a lap dance.  But the main thing was that I believed in myself and didn't give up.

So I will continue and my ultimate desire is to be vindicated in the end.  

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