Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Money and Everything Else

This society is obviously perverted.  The only criteria for doing something is, can I afford it?  and can i get away with it?

When you are hated by the world, you are loved by God, and vice versa.  I am hated by the world, but God loves me the most.  I cannot say the same for the President.  But that is not a threat, in this society, you have a freedom of speech and can openly criticize politicians.

It's money and everything else.  In an open market economy, the main desire of government is to control the means of production and divert the flow of currency from those who need it to those who already have too much.  This the opposite of social justice.

Ethnically, I am a biracial latino, but I identify as a Latino Israelite.  Hebrews are people of ethnicities other than Semitic who identify as Hebrews or Israelites.  There are Celts, Jamaicans, Hispanic people, Hamitic Jews, and people in Asia who identify as Israelites.  Although in essence, they are not part of the Semitic race.

It turns out, Jews are the best people, if they keep their observance of their tradition.  A secular Jew can do a lot of harm.  Both Capitalism and Communism were ideas purported by secular Jews in academia in the 19th century Europe.  These ideas were so virulent, they caused two wars, millions upon millions of deaths of innocent soldiers and victims.  Hitler was motivated by anti-semitism and the purity of the white race.

These days, Russia has failed.  America is failing.  And Europe and Israel work together to bring about social justice.  In Germany, people are deeply ashamed that their grandparents joyfully executed innocent Jews.  And Jews were not the only minority persecuted in World War 2.  Blacks, homosexuals, gypsies, Russian soldiers, Christians, mental patients, people born with deformities, anyone considered 'impure' was destroyed.  I purport that America is actually worse than Nazi Germany.  But if you can make the money and pay the taxes, we will leave you alone. 

New York and California is where most of the American Jews live.  But it turns that, that is also where the anti-semites are.  People in the midwest are more cool and laid back and know Irish and Spanish and Native American people are lost tribe Isrealites too.  I think the best people in America are the Irish and the Mexicans and how they interact with the minorities.

So one of my goals is to leave my current residence and move to Houston, to live with my other side of my family.  They need my help, and I need a change of local.  I am tired of the liberality and perversion of the east and west coast of America.  When you are more educated, you tend to be mroe rich, and more permissive, and more tolerant, and more lusty, and less traditional.

Even music wise, I think the gospel and country music from the midwest of America is better than the Hip Hop, Pop, and Goth Metal they listen to on the east and west coast.  When I sit in my apartment, people in their cars, listen to this modern pop shit and it irritates me.  Innovation is always bad.  Traditional society lasted so long, and worked so long, that it can't be beat.

So don't innovate.  Stay like your parents, be less ambitious, and more fulfilled.  That is the secret to a happy life.  Boddhidarma, the founder of Chan Buddhism, said, 'boddhisattvas are idle people, they do not go around seeking fortune and fame.'  By nature, spiritual people are lazy and know, the more you do, the more you give away.  So just do the bare minimum and enjoy your free time to yourself.

So no matter where I am, I can live in bliss, and realize money is just a tool.  As long as you budget yourself, per day, per week, and per month, money is not even an issue.  The main thing is to be happy and useful.  I am both happy and useful.

My two great joys that I do every day is play guitar and write.  I have 5 albums on Spotify and YouTube and 2 books on Amazon.  And I just want to create more and more.  The money is not the important part.  Neither is the notoriety.  It is simply to express the inner light, be productive, and leave something to posterity.  When I leave the world of men, many will admire me, for being a handsome, wise, tough athlete who wrote books and produced albums later in life after his athletic career.

So I have already been vindicated, the rest of my life is just a party.  So party on, and keep it real on the streets.

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