Saturday, August 8, 2020


The real religion is nature.  Any real Christian knows, God is Love.  God is not victory or salvation or wining or repentence.  God is Love.  We simply live to survive, and we want to make love all day long.

I want to win.  I want to find a wife and survive and bring forth seed into the world.  Yoga is based on science.  Science is simply studying nature.  God created Nature, Nature created us, so when we study nature, we study God.  You will never know all of what God knows.  You would be lucky if you knew 10%.

I love certain things.  I love music and Aikido and cooking and women and clothing and so forth.  Graphic Design and Copywriting are just job skills.  You are not defined by your work, it is simply something you do for survival.

Nature is about neutrality.  The etymology is similar.  It all comes from Neter which means Natural Law.  The Egyptians invented science and religion and knew both where just ideas that you speculate on.  Ideas don't work.  Arguing biblical Christianity vs Evolution is a waste of time.  Nobody was there at the beginning of Creation, so know one knows if the bible is 100% accurate or monkeys started walking and talking.

Obviously, evolution is based on a theory that one species can change into another.  And if you take the bible literally, life began with the fish and ended with Adam Kadmon.  The lowest creature is the fish, and the perfect man is the embodiment of Christ.  

There are many appelations of Jesus known in the real Christian faith.  Firstborn of Creation, King of the Jews, A Light to The Gentiles, New Adam, The Hero of History, etc...  Jesus is in reality the second God.  The Light is the real God.  The Light has consciousness and is totally benevolent.  It simply wants to expand.  God can only give and we can only receive.

But what the symbolism of the bible means, is that Jesus is not God incarnate and there is no trinity.  Jesus is the first most perfect creation, and in the beginning there was only the light and the dark.

So the meaning of life is love, and Jesus loves you, baby.  The light loves you even more.  

I am a religious man who loves food and sex and music and having fun.  I see religion not as a thing that burdens you, but that empowers you.  God is Love.  We simply want to love ourselves and survive.

So I keep doing work as duty and doing my hobbies as something I desire.  The my favorite thing is simply to sit down and play guitar.  I also get a kick out of Aikido.  And I cook two meals per day.  My life is rich, and i am not lacking anything.  So I continue.

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