Thursday, January 2, 2020

Square One

This is the beginning of a new month, a new year, and a new decade.  It's been 50 years since the 1960s came to an end, and the Beatles have been gone for half a century.  These are daunting facts.

Moving on, I will continue making music on my guitar.  And I write songs and lyrics and chords all of my own.

I also draw constantly, and on my artist site, I have designs available for purchase, an About page describing my life briefly, and a very interesting blog I post in several times daily.  My mind is always active and I am always posting my thoughts to the internet.  I don't know if this is a good or bad thing.

Besides the music and the art, I want to exercise again.  I feel Judo is too intense an exercise for my age and condition, and Yoga is too light, not competitive enough, and not interesting enough.  And swimming is extremely boring.  I want to study Aikido at an authentic dojo, and even though I already am an expert at takedowns, pin-rides, armlocks, trapping, and flowing, I want to the experience of sharing my training with others.  As long as you stay home and keep it to yourself, you get nowhere.  It is by sharing your hobbies and interests with others that you get some result.

People who stay home all the time are miserable.  I want to share my music and Aikido with others, and save cooking and art for the home.  There is a time and a place for everything.

So it is a new year and I am at square One.  We have the winter, then the spring, then the summer, then the fall, and then another winter will return.  So make the most of the year.  Don't waste another year having mindless fun.  It is only by applying effort into something you care about that you get results. 

So in 2020, I will be writing, training, playing guitar, cooking, and enjoying life.  I don't need that much money.  More money wouldn't necessarily make my life better.  It's just money.

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