Saturday, January 25, 2020

An Honest Man is Always a Child

Socrates said this one.  It's true.  A morally good, honest man has no place in this world.  All warfare is based on deception, and business is warfare.  Business and warfare is based on the same concept, deception, and Americans are the best at being sneaky and rich.

The most clever and evil military strategists are not in Russia, Israel, Japan, Korea, or China.  They are American.  Americans are bizarre hard men who delight in torture and war.  On one hand, I am glad I am American because even the poor are rich and get everything they need for free.  Also, Americans have a delightful sense of humor.  But I know I will never be rich and will always be used by sleazy people to their advantage.

I have made a few bucks on CDBaby and Routenote selling my albums as streams and downloads.  But I am sure for every penny I make, they make 99.  So I've probably made somebody else thousands while I've gotten dollars.  All warfare is based on deception. 

The main thing a child in school should learn ASAP is talent is useless.  Someone with intermediate talent and superior business savvy will be more rich than someone with superior talent and no guile or business savvy whatsoever.  You're not rewarded for being strong, honest, talented, and straightforward.  This reinforces the JudeoChristian worldview.  It's rigged.

Even self defense is a myth.  After high school or college age, nobody boxes and wrestles to see who is objectively better.  Combat is stealth and weapons, self defense is a sport like boxing or muay thai.  Self defense is for children, and Muhammed Ali did not serve in the military because he knew his skills were useless.  He was not a fighter, he was a self defense athlete.  He once said, 'In a streetfight I'd be in big trouble.'  And he was Cassius.

So the world is not improving as we get richer and more comfortable.  It is degenerating as more porno and MMA is spewed out.  MMA came about largely because boxing was too civilized and people wanted a more realistic combat sport.  But there is nothing better than boxing.  It is a fight with gloves on, a civilized fight.  Most fights don't go to the ground and you don't have to pounce on them and finish them.  Just knock them down or knock them out.  Word to the wise.  In Ancient Greece, the Greeks knew boxing was better than wrestling or MMA.  Boxing was the ideal Greek sport, but the Romans banned it because it deforms the human face and the human face is a mirror of God.  I guess they had no defensive skills back then.

So self defense is a myth because no one fights fair, and an open market economy is a crime because naturally the few shrewd people will manipulate the many simple, humble, ordinary people.  I know I have extraordinary talent and wisdom and it doesn't get me more, it gets me less.  So this reinforces the Christian worldview.

So an honest man is always childlike and pure and gets nowhere.  It doesn't mean you can't fight and don't deserve to live.  It is the opposite.  A morally good man doesn't get rich and famous, but becomes known to his descendents, leaves behind a legacy, and is kind to everyone.  So he gets something better than money and women.  He gets heaven.  And there is something better than heaven, there is bliss or oneness with the Creator.  An enlightened man goes to bliss, not gets reborn.

So I don't do music or grappling or cooking for the money, I will never be rich.  I do music primarily because it is good for me and makes me happy, and creativity just oozes out of me.  I would do it anyway.  The money is just a side benefit.  The support and notoriety is too.  I do music because I am a musician, and that is what I do.  So the money doesn't matter.  More money wouldn't necessarily make my life better.  I want more joy.

So as time goes on and 2020 rages on, I will not think about money.  Making a living is about budgeting.  I don't even like material goods.  I can live within my budget and not worry about money.  I live to be creative, and music is my biggest thing.  So watch out on Spotify and YouTube for Lior Avni and more music and videos.  I have now 5 albums out, many videos of me playing guitar or my art designs set to music, and I am constantly creating.  I don't do it for the money.  If I learn more about marketing and business principles, I can increase my income to something like a part time income from a typical job in an office.  That would be ideal and I'd be satisfied. 

So don't do things for money, watching the clock and faking interest.  Do things because it is what you love, and do it with enthusiasm and service to others.  You'll end up with more success than someone who fakes it.  I am not a fake.  I do things I want to do.  My life is bliss and success in this world counts for nothing.  The main thing is finding bliss.  We are all in suffering and doubt and want happiness.  So do what makes you happy.  An Honest Man is Always a Child.

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