Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Rhythm and Blues World Service

This is going to be the name of my next album.  I feel I am on a mission to heal the people, and the blues is a healer.

In the 1960s, black kids and white kids where listening to the same type of music.  It wasn't just the Beatles and the Rolling Stones.  That is pop music.  There was real music going on, black people were getting civil rights finally, and many great bluesman who had been obscure in the 1930s were vindicated in old age in the 1960s.  They include Mississippi John Hurt, Skip James, Howlin Wolf, Muddy Waters, and John Lee Hooker.

Things these days are worse than ever, and I don't care if it makes me unpopular to say this.  The USA is more polarized than ever, with black kids watching boxing and listening to hip hop and white kids watching MMA and listening to pop or heavy metal or goth.  This is all wrong, and America is obviously a race war and a class struggle at the same time. 

In Latin America, everyone is equally poor and intermarries freely.  Latinas choose the better man not the richer man, there is no upward social mobility in Latin America.  So be poor, make love, and enjoy the simple life.

If I had the money, I'd visit Mexico or the Dominican Republic.  I want to be lively myself y'all.  But I can't afford to travel, so I just subsist in New York.

Race and Gender are not taboo subjects in Taoist Medicine  They are part of empirical science.  The western man doesn't believe in an afterlife, so he feels race and gender can never change.  But he is wrong.  You can change your religious and political beliefs within your lifetime, and through reincarnation, even your race and gender can change!  We are constantly in a state of flux.  That is why we fight for integrity.

The future of the human race is one race and one religion.  Preferably, all mixed race people who live in nature and practice strict monotheism.   This is the best, and this is what Adam did.

My service to humanity is my music, it is all I have left to give.

So my next album will be called Rhythm and Blues World Service and feature electric guitar and singing.  That means I need to dream up new songs, learn covers, and practice.  I also need some new gear.  Being a musician is not easy, but it is very rewarding and money is not the issue.

Just enjoying life is.

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