Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A Brand New Boogie

It is day one of 2020.  I resolve to only improve my position this year.  Part of that is waking up early every day.  Don't cling to comfort.  As soon as your eyes open, jump out of bed.  You can take a leisurely approach to mornings and not actually get on with your day until 7am or 8am, but you should wake up before 6am.  The early bird gets the worm.

My main interests are music, cooking, writing, swimming, and dating.  But to get a woman, you need a certain level of looks and money.  And you must leave the house and get involved in the community.  Also, you must initiate with women or you will get nowhere.  The man gives and the woman receives. 

I don't need to be an Acupuncturist, and I don't need Judo anymore.  Those were things of my youth.  Now that I am no longer an acupuncturist, all I objectively have is a green belt in judo.  But my matwork is Olympic level and I mastered Aikido.  It turns out Aikido is better than judo, and being the master is more important than being the champion.  A good Aikido black belt knows all the classical strikes of Karate, plus how to trap, blend, pin, and submit people.  Judo is the original sport grappling, an exercise with a philosophy of non-aggression and being a good member of society.

So out with the old and in with the new.  Music and food continue to be important to me.  Writing is my job skill.  I must exercise somehow or my body will deteriorate.  One of my new year's resolutions is to exercise more and make it a daily habit.  Hatha Yoga and swimming is good and age appropriate. 

I should do more art as a hobby that can someday be monetized.  I remember the 10,000 hour rule.  I have not yet mastered art.  Below is one of my more recent creations.

Pyramids Recolored

I took an old line art drawing I used on Instagram and recolored it, and cropped it to be square.  It is based on a scene from Mexico, of the pyramids and the surrounding gardens and trees.  It is evocative of Aztec culture and what the Indians were like before the coming of Cortez.

So I have some talent in art and music.  I don't know which will pay off first.  But I know I have a reason to sing the blues, so that is what I do.  This new year, 2020, will not be wasted.   I will play guitar and exercise and do art and interact with people.  It's time to expect less out of life and be more fulfilled.

The best things in life are free.

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