Friday, January 31, 2020

The Good Fight

This blog is called lioravnidesginwriter because I wanted a career in graphic design.  I have education in both TCM and graphic design.  But right now I do music and writing and I don't make a whole lot of money, because I don't understand digital marketing and how to scale up my business.

Maybe I should return to my roots in nutrition, wholistic medicine, and combat sports.  You don't change mid life and do something else.  Change is bad.  It takes twenty years to master a skill, and I have been doing music, grappling, and Chinese medicine for over twenty years each subject.  Ultimately, music is the most fun and least profitable, and nutrition and health coaching is the most lucrative and high minded skill amongst the three.  Very few grapplers get to teach grappling as a vocation.  You have to be a world champion, black belt, have business skills, a team of loyal coworkers and followers, and a big clientele. 

All in all, I love music the most.  I will play guitar first thing and last thing every day until I die.  But combat sports and nutrition is right up my alley, and I have the knowledge of life science to give people accurate advice about health, fitness, nutrition, self defense, and conditioning.  It is mostly judo, low carb diet, walking, stretching, and bodyweight calisthenics.  Easier said than done.

Judo is the ideal physical education.  It is not for most Americans, they are not tough enough, but people in the civilized world like Europe and Asia can't get enough judo.  It is the second most popular sport next to soccer worldwide.  It is physical education, training for police and military forces, and leads to other things like MMA and Aikido.

My knowledge of nutrition is comprehensive.  I am not bragging.  I kept a nutrition blog on Wordpress for 3 years and posted almost daily on it.  I blogged away volumes of knowledge and got little money and fame for it.  It's time to work for money, not as a volunteer service.

The thing is, staying at home is a waste of life.  Get out of your home in the morning, socialize, meet people, be kind, be fair, be honest, and do excellent service.  I can teach yogic philosophy, meditation, Raja Yoga, and how it applies to health, nutrition, sexology, self defense, and life in general.

So what I need to do is form a business plan, put into action, use social media intelligently, and with the money, buy fancier guitars and music gear.  Music is what I want, but I must work for it. 

So what the TCM practitioner said over twenty years ago was right.  He posed it in the form of a question. 'when you are done doing what you have to do, do you have the energy to do what you want to do?'.  I have to teach nutrition and fitness to get the desired goal of playing music on the evenings and weekends.  It is business before pleasure. 

Look out for my new album on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.  I've seen my videos on YouTube and the music is actually quite good.  You can see me mature as a musician.  If I really wanted to be commercially viable, I'd learn more covers.  But I just want to create and play blues classics.  The music is for me, and if you dig it too, that is good too.

So I have learned the lesson of the Gita. You must do the what you must do before you can have the joy and peace and pleasure.  I want music, but I am willing to work for it.  Just showing up to work is a fight, and I want to be an honorable warrior who does the right thing with enthusiasm.  This is the teaching of karma yoga.  The path of action.  Do the right thing, and good results will come. 

That's where the justice is.

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