Friday, January 17, 2020

Legitimate in Rhythm and Blues

Mr. Chuck Berry.  All rock n roll music of the past 50 or 60 years comes from Chuck Berry, and his music was largely an interpretation of Rosetta Tharpe's music.  Tharpe was a famous black woman who sung gospel music originally to a black audience but then crossed over to the white mainstream audience.  She was most famous during the 1930s, 40s, and 50s.  She didn't live much longer than that.

What made Rosetta Tharpe's music unique was not the Judeochristian themes or lyrics.  It was her soulful voice, shouting, more major tonality, more upbeat songs, electric guitar, and advanced rhythm section.  This was gospel music of the negro south at it's finest, and Chuck Berry took the sound and made it about secular subjects the mainstream white audience in America could identify with.  Elvis Presley too was influenced by Rosetta Tharpe, but he was more a singer than a guitarist and songwriter.  Elvis was loved for his face and voice, Chuck Berry was loved for his innovative guitar play and clever songwriting.  Both Elvis and Chuck Berry pioneered the music of the past 50 years.

I like rhythm and blues music, and think the 1960s was the climax of western civilization.  If it wasn't for the Beatles, the 1960s would have been known as the time when white kids and black kids listened to the same type of music.  Motown and Stax Soul was ultimately better music than the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. 

Now that I am older, combat sports and nutrition don't matter to me so much.  I always liked judo and low carb diet.  I am an expert at both.  But being a physical education teacher is different from being a creative professional.  In physical education, you have to be looked up to to teach, in creativity, you are judged by what you create.  It doesn't matter who you are and how you are living.

So the beat goes on and I am trying to be independent and get my share before I die.  Music and home cooking is a lot of fun, but to get somewhere in life, you have to leave the house and do things for other people not just yourself.  The main thing in work is socializing, and convincing the customer that your product or service is worth the money they are spending.  In fact, business is warfare and is based on deception not mutual welfare and benefit.  So all of America is a crime against it's own people.  Business, warfare, and dating is all based on guile and not being straightforward and genuine.  So I may never be rich and famous, even though I have tremendous merit.

I think I should just be less ambitious and save money.  Live simply, play guitar, cook my own food, and visit the local Yogic meditation center for clarity.  Less is more, and good people won't get anywhere.  The fundamental view of both Yoga and Christianity is, the world is not ruled by God, it's ruled by the devil, and when you die, then you are free from the constraints of physicality.  To die with contentment is victory, and when I die, I will be victorious and known posthumously as a great musician and great grappler. 

That is enough.

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