Thursday, January 30, 2020

Avalokita's Vow

In the East, there is a diety called Avalokita, or the Boddhisattva of Compassion.  He is similar to the Angel of Mercy in the JudeoChristian tradition.  The patron saint of medicine. 

The reverence for Avalokita began in India, but spread to China and Japan.  In China, they feminized him into Kuan Yin, the lady of mercy, and in Japan they call him Fugen Bosatsu, the boddhisattva.  He is said to be the most wise and know the motive of every action.

Eastern culture and the culture of the native Americans is not that different.  Native Americans are primitive Asians, so had their culture continued, they might just be like the Chinese or Japanese are today.  Shamanic culture, where the doctor is also the priest and politician.  No seperation between church, state, and medicine.  What a wonderful world this would be.

In the USA today, a priest, a doctor, and a politician are three things.  A priest is a gay loser who can't make it in the private sector, a doctor is someone who finished ten years of school and wants to rip you off, and a politician is an ungodly man who wields power over you.  This is not the way it should be.  This is not Christianity or lovingkindness.

The Mexicans had the high culture of the Aboriginal Americans.  They cultivated corn, which allowed for their civilization to flourish and develop technology.  They had some of the technology we have today thousands of years before the Europeans invented it.

So worshiping the medicine man or elevating healing to a spiritual vocation makes a lot of sense.  The myth of Avalokita is that he is born from time to time in certain eras to bring a healing to the people, and to restore rectitude in the world.  He is not a madman, he is an inspired man.

So Shamanic culture and Buddhist culture is not that far apart.  Both understand we are all suffering and need medicine.  This world is not fair, it hurts just to be alive.  I play the blues because the blues is the music of real life.

So if I can't be a TCM practitioner, I can play blues music and bring a healing to the people.  Rhythm and Blues World Service.

The western man doesn't see past the physical results, he is results driven.  But the result of life is death, so he is hurtling towards his own death.  This is pointless.  I live for enjoying the present moment, whatever situation I'm in.  I make love all day long, but not necessarily with my genitals.

My music if the best thing I have now, and it makes me happy.  I have five albums on Spotify and Amazon, and 2 books on Amazon.  If I was smart, I'd learn more about digital marketing and reaching a bigger, international audience.  My music is about tragedy and my writing is about nutrition and how not to get used by an evil system.  You'd think I am relevant.

So I find inspiration in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainsim, the religions of India, and continue creating.  I am a 24 hour volunteer.  Automatic, for the people.  I will continue doing what I want to do and not worry about the money. 

Life is not about money, it's about food and family.  Working every day, coming home, eating dinner, and spending your evenings and weekends as you please.  I want peace.  But America doesn't want to give me peace.  So I am prepared for war.

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