Monday, January 27, 2020

The Ebullient Cheer of Mexico

If I had the money to travel, I'd travel to Mexico.  It is still considered North America so it is not that far away, but it is really part of Latin America.  And it is not all poverty and chaos like the US media makes it out to be.

Mexico is a growing economy.  There is socialist medicine and education.  Prostitution, Marijuana, and Gambling is legal.  The women are sexy.  The climate is tropical but there are mountains and forests and a breeze.  The food is delightful. 

We only see the riff-raff from Mexico because people who can't make it there drift upwards here to make more money.  The USA has a robust economy, and strong, swarthy, physical men can get work here that they couldn't in Mexico.  So we as Americans have a distorted picture of what a Latino is.

There are Latino scholars, doctors, musicians, actors, and poets.  It is not just busboys, landscapers, and carwashers.  That is the lower echelon of Mexican society.

The thing with life is, money is important.  Without money, you don't get food, shelter, or clothing, and you die.  But if you just obsess about money, you are miserable and waste your life.  Let's get money out the way.

Money is worldly value, but love is spiritual value.  The spirit is more important than the body.  But you need both to be a human being.  You need a mind, a body, and a spirit.  So you are three things not just one or two.

Obviously, ordinary people can work and be of value to others not just themselves.  If you can't work or be productive, you are a loser.

I am productive, and most of my labor is not repaid, because I have no business savvy.  I am a 24 hour volunteer like Sadhguru mentions in one of his recent posts on Instagram.  I am altruistic.  Automatic, for the people.

Even if I never make a real buck in my life, I don't care.  Some people have less stuff but feel more fulfilled with life.  Just get the bare minimum of physical necessity and do something with your life.  It's just money.  It has no intrinsic value.

So I can live a humble life and dream of a better place  I live on long island, New York, but I wish I lived somewhere else.  The main thing in making a living is budgeting and living within your means.  You should budget per day, per week, and per month.  I briefly mention this in my new book, Taoist Nutrition which is available on Amazon.  You just have to search for Lior Avni and you see my two books and five albums.

I have a lot of knowledge and creativity to share.  If I could, I'd just play guitar and sing all day.  And I wouldn't accomplish much that way.  If I want more results I need to learn the game and learn how to win.

The main thing in work is socializing and sharing your gift with others.  We are social creatures, we live in a society.  So don't stay at home all the time.  Get out there and do something.

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