Monday, January 13, 2020

Self Defense without Weapons

The main thing in self defense is punching and pinning.  Wrestling and Judo as done in America is good self defense training.  Collegiate wrestling is a more civilized version of catch wrestling and Kodokan Judo is a more civilized version of jujutsu. 

Collegiate wrestling began at the beginning of the twentieth century when American scholastic educators saw the value of self defense for children.  Fair fighting as a sport has value to young men who are fit, aggressive, and competitive.  Self defense is for children.

Kodokan Judo is more than physical education.  It is more than an eastern combat sport or jacket wrestling.  And there is more to it than high amplitude throws.  There is also ground wrestling, or matwork, which is comprised of pin, choke, and armlock.  Collegiate wrestling and matwork is what Americans excel at.  Americans are the best grapplers.

There are other factors in self defense, like punching, kicking, leg submissions, and weapons tactics.  In reality, boxers are better athletes than wrestlers and grapplers.  BJJ is an attempt to hybridize wrestling and judo.  Sambo is also a twentieth century system that attempts to hydridize wrestling and judo. 

What I am trying to say is, sport is reality.  A sportive match is not a streetfight, but if you are too dangerous to spar, you are delusional and just talking out of ego and pride.  Athletes are fighters, and you have to be a champion of something to teach self defense.  Boxing, wrestling, judo, sambo, BJJ, are all great sports that teach you self defense, confidence, mental toughness, fitness, a lifestyle of being a winner, and how to recover from loss.  In real sport, there are no undefeated champions.

I know I spent way too much time training Judo and Sambo and not enough training boxing.  There is economic renumeration if you win in boxing, the best judo and sambo players are amateur athletes who become coaches and teachers.  We live in a results driven society not a high minded idealistic society.  The average pro boxer is a millionare, the best judoka or sambist is a poor athletics coach.

So I didn't live right.  I wasted my athletic potential, because I listened to parents who wanted to protect me, had different culutral values because they are a different race than me, and see boxing as low brow entertainment. 

There is nothing wrong with boxing.  It is a civilized fight, a fight with gloves on.  Obviously, in self defense, you need to know how to punch in every range not just from a distance.  But boxing is a lifestyle of toughness, pride, fitness, and survival.  Boxing is great.  I wish more people were into the sport where I am from.  It seems boxing is less popular and Muay Thai and MMA is more popular here, because that is what they see on TV.

But ultimately, self defense is for children.  Grown men don't spar and wrestle and grapple to see who is objectively better.  Grown men do combat, which means stealth and weapons.  They fight dirty, they surprise you, they shank you, they shoot you down, etc...  Being better doesn't matter to an evil man.  You could be a world champion wrestler and not know real combat, and you could be a terrible athlete and still know how to kill people without them knowing it.  This is where morality comes in.

What is really better, being a tough, fit, handsome athletics champion, or a dirty criminal who is ugly and stupid and despises knowledge?  America is a society of thieves and everyone knows self defense and combat from an early age.  They live to fight, everything in America is based on competition.  If they can't beat you in a fair fight, they will beat you in an unfair fight.  They just want to beat you.

In reality, there is more than enough food and technology and water for everyone on the planet and then some.  But the resources are not distributed fairly.  This is because of politics, economics, and racism.  We don't live in a perfect world.  God does not rule the world, the devil does.  The system of things is ruled by the devil and there is nothing fair in this world.

In a perfect world based on merit, I would be a millionaire musician teaching Combat SAMBO and Aikido to eager students who see me as a Budo master.  Student has become the master.  I started guitar lessons in 1995 and I started shootfighting lessons in 1998.  That is over twenty years each of music and martial arts.  Shootfighting is the original MMA, and combines elements of karate, Muay Thai, Catch Wrestling, and Aikido.  Shootfighting is not well known like SAMBO and BJJ because there is no big marketing push for it, and no one really wants to fight.  Fighting is for children.

So I know where I'm at and know the world is not the way it should be.  Theoretically, I am a handsome entertainer and a budo master.  But now that I am past 40, physically slower and older and injured, I will probably not be a martial arts instructor.  And music is not a high percentage way to make money these days.  There are more musicians and fewer people making money from it.  But I am talented and I enjoy writing my own songs.

So all I can say in my life is I mastered creative expression and physical performance.  Money, power, and popularity are results, and God is not results driven.  American society is results driven and doesn't judge you on how morally good you are.  So America is an abomination to God. 

As time moves on and I approach old age and death, I know I did what I could.  I developed myself, reached my full potential, and mastered more than one or two things in life.  Most people are average and master nothing in their life.  When I die, people will mourn for a great musician and a great grappler.  I am a meritorious man.

So in conclusion, self defense is about sport, and the best sport is boxing.  Obviously, a boxing match is not a streetfight.  It is a civilized punching bout.  A boxer needs to crosstrain grappling and weapons techniques to be a complete master of self defense.  But now that I am older, past my prime, I don't like fighting and combat.  I want peace.  I want wine, woman, and song, and the best thing in my life is the music.  Art serves as a fun hobby and an adjunct to my music career.  So as I age, physical performance diminishes in value and creativity rises in value to me.  In my life, I learned my lessons.  Monogamy is the discipline for success, and the meaning of life is to be happy and useful.  If you want to be happy and die with contentment, be content with things, be productive and useful to others, and take a wife and be faithful.  That is all.

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