Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Problems With This World

It keeps getting worse.  On one hand, life is easier than ever.  With the advent of computers, the internet, and technology, the standard of living is higher and more people reach the average lifespan of 75 years or more.  It is easier to get educated, find work, work from home, and find a girlfriend through a dating site.  Life is physically easier.

But in reality, people are less happy, less fulfilled, less morally good, and suffer from some form of mental illness.  Technology ruins everything.  The internet makes you less apt to go out, form connections with locals, and to meet people in your area who like the same things you like.  To find a girlfriend, people use dating sites or go to local bars.  You can work a full time job and not need to socialize face to face with someone.  Computers do most of the work for us, so most people don't move their bodies enough and get weak and crapulent before age 50.  Life is getting physically easier and spiritually less gratifying, because people are less connected to others.  The main thing in happiness in life is connection to others.  So it is counter-intuitive.  Technology is ruining everything.

Even our diets are changing.  Before the 1950s, Americans ate beans, corn, potatoes, peas, carrots, pork, fish, eggs, cheese, butter, and rarely ate beef, chicken, milk, white bread, white sugar and white pasta.  Now it is reverse.  We are doing what we should not be doing and not doing what we should be doing.  This is not right.  Something as basic as nutrition is not common knowledge, because there are so many conflicting theories.

Ketogenic diet is not right.  Neither is Veganism.  Both are extremes of normal diet.  People 150 years ago did not need a nutrition lesson, because obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and stroke was not common.  Nobody ate refined carbohydrates, hydrogenated oils, or meat from tortured animals back then.  Technology ruins everything.

My theory is, people should educate themselves about nutrition if they want to avoid the medical establishment.  Studying nutrition is better than investing in more cancer treatment facilities.  At age 50, your health problems start.  It is good to teach the youth nutrition first, so they will suffer less in old age.  This is common knowledge in India and China but not here in the West.  Everything is a business in the West, including food.  You'd think my skills are more relevant than ever.

The main thing in Taoist Medicine is aging with integrity, disability free lifespan, and dying without pain.  This is the epitome of human merit.  Longevity is merit.  I don't know why, but it is.  When you look good for your age, you are sexy.  When you are able bodied, you are not a burden on others.  If you die peacefully in your sleep, death does not need to be a torturous, painful experience.  Traditional Chinese Medicine, also called Taoist Medicine, is knowledge that can empower you to live a good life.  I am glad I was educated starting at age 19.

So beyond music, judo, and cooking, learning TCM in my college years proved to be the best thing I've done.  Maybe in the future I can use my knowledge in some way to benefit others.  My main thing now is music, because in music, you are judged by what you create not what you're esteemed as.  But if I had my way, I'd be a copywriter teaching people recovery through the written word.  It is a lucrative field, and copywriting is about communications and knowledge.  Teaching people and educating them at the same time. 

I know I could educate the world about health and wellbeing and prove that I was the doctor all along and not the sick man.  It is using my education in a different way.

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.

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