Sunday, January 12, 2020

Women from Coast to Coast

I've really missed out on a lot.  This essay will be about love and marriage.

Obviously, most people are having more sex than ever, having more relationships than ever, marrying more often, and divorcing more often.  This leaves us with more single mothers, more fatherless boys, and more orphans.

The family unit is the nucleus of society.  Every family needs a father figure, a mother, children, and even peripheral family members like aunts and uncles who can't work outside the home but are still productive and useful.  Not everyone can work a day job, the government owes you basic income if you can't work a part time or full time job.  You are not a freeloader if you can't work.

I also believe a government owes you socialist medicine and education, but that is the topic of a different post. 

The main thing in relationships is to have meaningful ones.  Teenagers are lusty and young men want multiple lovers.  But as you age, you learn some things about women.  In some ways they are all the same and have many common characteristics, but in some ways, each one is unique.  Find the one with the right amount of looks, money, character, personality, and humility.  Women want the same thing.  To them, upward mobility is a factor, because women are weaker and need to rely on men for support.  Even a rich powerful female attorney wants to date up not down.  Hypergamy is part of female psychology.  Women want to move up in a relationship not down.  You need looks and money to get a girl, and ultimately, money is more important.  The more money you have, the more they forgive your deficiency of looks.

I am good looking but in the lowest socioeconomic class.  So I must use my looks and knowledge and potential to find a mate.  I don't want a lot of sleazy hookups but I don't want to rush into marriage either.  I want to have several long term relationships until I find the one to settle down with.  At my age, I can't be too picky, time is running out. 

There are different characteristics to different types of women.  White women are the most desirable, and they know this, and want a high level of looks and money.  Black women are largely considered the least desirable, and use their wiles to deceive men into staying and know best what it is to suffer.  Latinas are very lusty and fiery but also aren't loyal, because they are so hypersexual.  I don't know much about Native American women, because I've met so few.  But I know about Jewish women and Asian women.

First of all, there is a tremendous correlation between Jews and Asians.  The Jews are an Asiatic race.  I like both Jewish and Asian women, but find Jewish women are more high minded, want long term relationships, and expect more out of the man.  Asian women are loyal, forgiving, humble, and submissive.  I like Asian women the best.

So I will date Asian women and try to get to know one.  I can't be too picky, I am middle aged by now and I missed out on my 20s and 30s.  I am good looking and fit for my age, but there are younger men with more hair and a six pack of abs.  And these girls aint loyal.  I need to get serious about dating and marriage before I waste my entire life.

I know I will die and I don't have much time.  The average man lives 75 years.  Some live 60 some live 100.  But even a 55 or 60 year lifespan is enough if you stay able bodied, eat good food, listen to good music, and have many friends.  It is quality of life not quantity.  If you live 60 years, get sick and are a cripple for 20 years until you die at 80, I don't consider this longevity.  Disability free lifespan is the key issue.  Living fully and not being dependent on anyone is freedom.  I want freedom.  Money is not the only form of value, power, or worth. 

So my life is improving as I reach middle age with wisdom and integrity.  I will date many Asian women and find the one I want to settle down with.  I know I have already reached enlightenment and I will attain human completion.  So until it is time for me to die, I will sing my song, do my art, eat my food, and have fun with the ladies.  Life is good.

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