Sunday, January 19, 2020

Back in the Saddle with Art Again

I am both an artist and musician.  I've also mastered some other things in my life.  But between art and music, I think my art has more potential.  In music, you have to be able to play fast, uptempo songs, perform infront of large audiences, spend time in bars and nightclubs, and generally do a lot of drugs.

Maybe the life of an artist is more up my alley.  I can always play acoustic guitar as a hobby. 

Today is Sunday and as I write this, it is still early morning.  I did an artwork today, quickly from pencil drawing to line art to scan to digitally colored design.  It is a simple nature scene of a mountain by a stream. 

The reason it came out well is because I used a thick Sharpie marker to ink it, the way I did between July 2018 and December 2018 when my best and original artworks were done. This was a time of rapid mental health recovery and spiritual awakening.  Art can be a mental health therapy and a form of spiritual discovery.  I especially like Voodoo in art, and exploration of the Black Israelite faith.

So here is today's design.  I will show it below:

Mountain by Water

This is a simple nature scene with a mountain by a body of water.  The mountain shouldn't really be there, by itself infront of some bushes and trees with rolling dunes behind it.  But this is art, and in art you can create things that don't really exist.

It has a certain style to it, and the thicker lines adds rustic nicety to it.  I hope to get back into art with a passion and leave behind music recordings and controversial writings behind for a while.  I have five albums and two books online right now and none of them are selling.  If I develop my art, it may lead to something real.

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