Saturday, January 25, 2020

Plans for a Next Album

My new album, Trouble On My Way, is probably out now on most stores.  It features six songs, three of which have vocals and three instrumentals.  One of the vocal songs is Killing Floor by Howlin Wolf.  It is my composition of a blues classic.

On the new album, I write two rhythm and blues originals, play a Howlin Wolf cover, two flamenco songs, and one blues instrumental.  One flamenco song, Marisol, is an original composition in B minor that explores an interesting chord progression. 

I am most proud of the Howlin Wolf cover, because it is the only song on the album that features electric lead guitar, and it sounds great.  That is why, I plan for the next album to use all electric guitar and have every song feature vocals.  I also want to learn more things about music before I record the next album.

So my career is going well.  I am not popular on long island, but my music is growing in other places, like the south, Mexico, Brazil, Sweden, Japan, and other places.  In 2019, I got over 5,000 plays on Spotify between 4 albums.  Now a 5th album is joining them.  And at some point soon, another electric album will be out.  I am already in the planning phases of an electric album. 

The great thing about being a musician, or Creative Professional, in general is, you are having fun for money. It is fun to be creative, and the money is just a side benefit.  I am not a commodities broker, a banker, a lawyer, nor a doctor.  I am not motivated by money or deceiving someone to get more pay.  I am not fooling you.  I am trying to teach morality through entertainment and joy.  So I see music as part of my mission in life, to uplift humanity and bring them solace.

My new album will be popular, and I am moving in the direction of more electric guitar and more singing.  I want to reach a bigger audience.

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