Friday, January 31, 2020

Bring It On Home

Rhythm and Blues started as a secular gospel music.  It is African American music, but instead of singing about God and Jesus, they started singing about Money and Women.  What Robert Johnson sang about was not that much different from what the hip hop stars of today sing about.  Sex, death, violence, alcohol, the devil, injustice, loneliness, adultery, etc...

Muddy Waters called this, 'the devil's music'.  The blues is the music of real life, not fantasy or ideals.  It is not about aspiring upwards, it is about life just the way it is.

But there were gospel blues singers who tried to harmonize an evil music with uplifting lyrics about religion, loneliness, social injustice, morality, and real love.  One noted example I am aware of was Mississippi John Hurt.  He was a great guitarist who had tremendous skill in his right hand (his picking hand) and could play more major sounding chord progressions that wasn't the hoogie boogie.

When I write songs, I try to express myself.  All a song is,  is chords and lyrics.  Everything else is optional.  I always start with the chord progression.  The lyrics follow the chords.  I write songs about loneliness, poverty, injustice, the hard times, unreciprocated love, and so on.  You'd think my music would be popular in this current culture. 

I haven't had an easy life.  It shows through in my music.  I like the combination of religion and music.  Even in Judaism, there is Jewish art and Jewish music.  Using creativity to express your faith.  I think it is actually better than going to temple or church and praying.  Because it is enthusiastic worship, not done by rote. 

So I am bringing it on home by making blues music about religion and not about sin.  There's too much sin in the world.  Porno and MMA are big businesses now.  The internet is saturated with that garbage.  Morality is in decline, and the 1960s generation didn't turn out to be retards.  People who where young in the 1960s are now in their late 70s or dead.  And they turned out fine.

Rock n Roll is just a form of entertainment, it's not evil music.  Music defined the generation that was born in the 1940s and was young in the 60s.  Now porno and MMA defines the modern generation.  Life is not getting better, it is getting worse.  And rock n roll isn't the problem. 

The problem is, the JudeoChristian worldview is right!  Adam was the most perfect man, he sinned and fell, and each subsequent generation gets more morally crapulent and loose.  So life is not evolving, it is de-evolving.  We are coming to a head.  The end of this system of things must come.  But as one system ends, another will begin.  That is what I have hope for.

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