Thursday, January 23, 2020

My Letter to America

I know this might not be the smartest thing for me to do at this juncture, but I am going to write a letter about how I feel about living in the USA. 

I have lived in New York for over 35 years.  I have only visited Texas, Florida, and California and most of these trips were when I was a teenager.  In the past 5 years I visited Tel Aviv and Houston, Texas.

I am starting to think that maybe the Midwest and rural America has it right.  Christianity is good.  Being a Republican is good.  Being conservative is good.  Guitar music is better than electronic music like hip hop and pop.  It doesn't matter if you like Hank Williams or Robert Johnson more or less.  I never visited Oklahoma or Iowa or Kentucky or Missouri or Chicago or Detroit.  I've only been in New York most of the time, a bit in California, and a couple of times in Texas.  Lightnin Hopkins, my favorite musician, was a black man from Houston Texas and there is a museum there in his honor.

New York and California is all about the minority classes, segregation between high income and low income neighborhoods, liberality, sexual immorality, business, and technology.  I do not want to live on long island, New York for the rest of my life.  I am not a tree, I can move.

So maybe Donald Trump is not all bad.  I see him as a clever man who feels nobody deserves free stuff from the government.  I believe socialist medicine and education is basic human dignity.  But I admire certain qualities he has, like confidence, charm, pride, and persuasiveness.  I guess I am a Socialist Republican, not a liberal Democrat and not a Hardcore right-wing Republican. 

I believe everyone should have a fair chance at medicine and education, and if they still can't make money, be given a basic income from the government and get the basics for free.  That is fair.  It is hard but glorious to be poor and honest.

I don't like New York City and I probably wouldn't like Los Angeles either.  I might like a place like Austin, Texas or Miami, Florida.  Places where Anglo Americans and Latinos freely intermingle. 

The days of the Anglo American frontiermen and the Mexican bandits confronting each other are over.  America in general is not a melting pot, is a nation of warring factions.  This is not right.  We are ten times richer than any other country, and yet, we are not ten times better off.  Most people I see are overweight, have wrinkly faces, and generally look frustrated and mentally ill.

You would think my skills as a nutritional copywriter and blues musician would make me a million dollars by now.  But it hasn't.  Because you are not rewarded for talent, you are rewarded for guile and stealth and deception.

So I might want to relocate soon.  I don't want to live in New York, Tel Aviv, or with my other family members in Houston right now.  I want to move somewhere where music and art is patronized, rent is reasonable, the weather is semi-tropical, the women are health conscious, and the food is cheap.  This does not describe New York or California well.  It describes the Midwest.  Maybe there is something good about America, and I have been deluded by the media for too long.

My problem is, I don't socialize well, and if someone is ugly and stupid and dishonest, I tell them to their face, I don't keep quiet.  This is a bad quality for success in business.  Lack of guile.  In a fair world, I'd be a musician and actor by now.  I have the look and the talent for it.

So my Letter to America is such.  The Midwest is better off than New York and California where liberality prevail, and the Irish and the Mexicans are some of the best people in the USA.  They do all the work.  High end labor, low end labor, it doesn't matter.  The Chinese and the Jews know they are wrong but they keep quiet.  They like the high salary, high end labor they do.  I just want a fair chance to apply my talent and see where it gets me.  I will continue doing what I love, and I am productive as a musician and author.  I should also get a workout in.

So my life is not that bad.  I have the bare minimum.  But a man as talented as me deserves more than the bare minimum.  An above average man should lead an above average lifestyle.  And Donald Trump didn't do this to me.  So I will not complain about my situation, I will get more independent and only rely on myself.  I have to be strong. 

The great sport of pugilism is all about racial pride and justice.  It is not about stealth and deception, knowledge or technique.  It is about speed, power, timing, and reflexes.  Blacks, Latinos, the Irish, and the Italian are great pugilistic races.  There are not many pugilists from Northern or Eastern Europe.  And Asian people do karate or kung fu.  In boxing is a fair contest to see who is better.  I find it less irritating to watch than MMA.  Boxing can be interesting, and it is not a streetfight, it is a civilized fight.  You have to be extremely conditioned and trained to get into the ring.  It is not for the faint of heart.

So there are some great things about America, and some terrible things.  My goal and plan should not be to leave America or hate America, it should be to relocate to a different part of America on my own, and be more independent.  Sometimes, a friend is better than a relative.  Different parts of the same country might be totally different in lifestyle.  So I need to find a place to call home and not bash Donald Trump, the white man, or America.  We are the richest country in the world, and it is that way for a reason.

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