Tuesday, January 14, 2020


I don't just blog away my ideas.  I am both a musician and author.  In my youth, I did acupuncture and Judo, and this was a stepping stone to other things.

Now that I am middle aged, I don't do acupuncture or practice Judo.  But I play my guitar, write original songs, and release albums online.  I've done 6 total so far, the first one was taken off the internet because it was costing money just to keep it up.  The last one has not yet reached the market.  It will be available January 27.  It will be called Trouble On My Way and be available on Spotify, YouTube, Amazon, Deezer, and Google Play.

In addition to the albums online, I have two books online on Amazon.  They are both about wholistic medicine and Taoist Nutrition.  They are brief ebooks that condense a lot of information into a few pages.  I write with brevity.  I try to be as straightforward as possible because I don't want anyone to be used the same way I was used.  With a bit of education, it is possible to live well in this part of the world with little money.  If you are educated, live simply and quietly, and budget your money, you can survive unharmed.

So even if I am not doing Judo right now, I still use my education in a different way.  The knowledge I acquired at TCM school helped me write my books, and the graphics diploma helps me design cover art for my books and albums.  Ultimately, you learn by doing.  You are the sum of your experiences, not things you've learned didacticly.  Theoretical knowledge doesn't work.

So as time goes on, I might get back into judo training, but I might also write more books on nutrition and publish more rhythm and blues albums.  The point of life is to be happy and useful.  It is not to acquire anything or win anything.  If you are content, self sufficient, and productive towards others besides yourself, you are doing well.  Some people are less ambitious but more fulfilled.  It is better than a life of conquest.

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