Thursday, January 23, 2020

Mind Body Spirit

Obviously, you are more than just a physical body.  This is where Medicine, Science, Psychology, and the Western Man goes astray.  You are not just a collection of physical organs that are magically put together and function as a whole. 

The mind is in the brain but the brain is not the mind.  The mind directs the brain, and the brain coordinates the movements of the rest of the body.  Your soul is seperate from your body.

That is what a human being is, mind, body, and spirit.  The mind is how the spirit influences the body.  A body without a mind or spirit is a zombie, and a soul without a body is a ghost.  But I have not met ghosts or zombies in my life.

Integrity means togetherness.  Death is disintegration of the three bodies.  Things that promote togetherness promote your life and sin brings about your own destruction.  So try to do as few bad things as possible and as many good things.  Good actions prolong your life.  This is morality in it's simplest teaching.

My music keeps improving and my new album, Trouble On My Way is being distributed to all the outlets online, including Spotify and Deezer and Amazon and Google Play.  My previous two albums, Coffee Blues and Lonely Days were hits.  I am not rich, but I enjoy being a local musician. 

When I play music, I notice my soul has more power than my body does.  In my soul, I can sing like John Lee Hooker and play like Jimi Hendrix.  But my body is not there.  It is from soul to mind to body that so much is lost.  I am limited, but I try. 

Rhythm and Blues is the music of hardship.  There is morality in rhythm and blues.  It is the music of the slaves.  At this point, I feel like a slave to an outdated economic system.  I think some people identify with me. 

If I could, I would gig out more.  Not just on Long Island, but in Houston, in Mexico, in Brazil, in Japan.  Some people really dig my music, because they identify with it.  It is mournful chords and simple, insightful lyrics.  It takes some cleverness to write this music.

So I know medicine and science in the West is missing something, because western men don't believe in an immortal soul.  They believe we are just tangible reality and nothing else. But I know they are wrong.  These people don't know themselves let alone others.  They are terrible doctors and terrible scientists. 

A soul is by nature immortal, and somewhere in your soul, you have all the answers.  You are just hidden by ignorance.  A human being is mind, body, and spirit.  When you die, you disintegrate, and then after a while, you are born again to a new body.

Use this precious opportunity.

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