Monday, January 20, 2020

Back with a Vengeance

I am using this site a lot lately.  My FASO artist site will not renew in December, so I stopped posting there.  I will just leave it the way it is.  Over the span of a year, I did 150 blog posts and gave a way a book's level of knowledge.  I didn't make a dime from that.

In addition, I have a musician page on the internet which I pay to keep up.  It is located at and is very interesting and useful.  From the site, you can see what I look like, sample or purchase my music, learn my story, and have access to all my social media outlets and places to purchase my music.  There is even a button to visit my YouTube page.

I have decided music is the best thing for me.  I could theoretically work as a health copywriter, a designer, or even teach Aikido and fitness.  And at some point in the future, these things will help me.  But music is the most important thing in my life, and it generates a small income every month to supplement my main income.

So I am back to blogging here on this site with a vengeance.  Blogger is free for me to use and free for you to read it.  So it is mutually beneficial to both parties.  This is good business.  I can create a bigger following, express myself, and attract attention to what I am doing elsewhere on the internet.  It is a win-win situation.

Ultimately, I want to create a decent side income with music.  This blog can only help me.  I know music has little to do with design or writing, but lioravnidesignwriter is the name I chose for my business.  I am just changing directions in business. 

So in the future, I will try to be less provocative and more polite.  This music, rhythm and blues, has been around a long time by now and is no longer risque.  50 years ago it was risque, but times have changed.  Today's music is more simple, more rhythmic, more about sex, drugs, violence, ego, and sin.  My music almost seems like gospel music in comparison.

I think my music is more like the 1960s rhythm and blues than anything else.  You start to sound like your influences, and I like John Lee Hooker, Lightnin Hopkins, and Chuck Berry.  John Lee invented all the one chord boogie dance music that black kids listen to today.  Chuck Berry single handedly invented rock guitar.  And Lightnin Hopkins was the classic blues player.  So put them all together, and you have the history of rock n roll music in the past 50 years.  And most people today don't know who they are, but they are familiar with modern pop and rock music.  Kids today are missing out on so much.

I know I will find people both locally and internationally who like my music.  People in the rural south, in Mexico, Brazil, Europe, and the Philippines like this type of music.  And the Japanese idolize a man who can play authentic American folk music.  That is what rhythm and blues is, the folk music of negro slaves in the south of the USA. 

So I am both a musician, a writer, a teacher, a healer, and a preacher.  I wouldn't want to be anything else.

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