Thursday, January 16, 2020

Being Realistic

I will never be a professional artist.  I don't even think my art is that good.  I got a degree in graphic design, and finished it, a total of 35 credits.  I was thoroughly educated in design principles.  But I am not an artist, and it is not something I practice on a daily basis.  You are what you do, not what you know theoretically.  Book learning doesn't help you.

What I really do every day is play guitar, cook, and write, and these are skills that can be monetized.  In my youth, I learned acupuncture and judo.  I mastered both.  I am both a doctor of wholistic medicine and a world class grappler.  But being past 40, I am too old for high level judo competition, and I don't want to practice wholistic medicine in a clinic.  I don't like the role of a health practitioner.

Music is the most joyous thing in my life, but it is hard to make money from this skill.  Spotify, YouTube, and the advent of the MP3 ruined the profitability of music in the modern era.  Only people with huge followings can make money from online streams and downloads.  You need millions of followers not hundreds or thousands of followers to make a living in music.  And your music has to be edgy, modern, and hip.  Life is not improving, things are degrading with time as we approach the end times.  At least the women are easier than ever.

Cooking is a useful skill because it is fun, natural, you get to eat better, save money, and ultimately, you save your health and you save on medical bills in the future.  But to cook professionally you need to stand in a hot kitchen for at least 4 or 5 hours per day, repeat dishes over and over again, be exposed to heat and sharp things, and deal with uneducated people.  It is low brow work for strong, crude men.

Copywriting is something that may help me in the future.  The first thing is to get experience working in any type of office job.  I already did an internship in copywriting.  I got a taste of what office work is like.  It is mostly about socializing and sitting infront of a computer and typing.  It is not difficult.  Work is like high school or college.  You sit down and you do what they tell you to do.  Creativity and individuality is not encouraged.  Conformity is.

If I start at a basic entry level office job, I can use my copywriting, blogging, and social media skills to quickly advance my position.  When you are a fast learner, talented, and industrious, you get results for your good actions.  This is karma.  Good actions get good results, bad actions get bad results, and neutral actions do not change your position.  If you do neutral actions like eat, sleep, defecate, or masturbate all your life, you will accomplish nothing. 

So if I get an entry level job in an office, I can save the money for something worthwhile, learn to socialize, network, and gain confidence.  This might lead to other things.  My ultimate work goal is to write books and blog posts and articles about mental health recovery.  Part of recovery is nutrition and self care and pyschology.  I know what it's like to be sick and cure yourself, and I can teach others.  This is a form of medicine and teaching and is way more advanced work than being a peer councilor.  I've been mentally ill and recovered on my own merits.  I cured myself, nobody really helped me because I never got a private doctor or lawyer.  I had to learn to  recover for myself.  If I can cure myself, I can cure others or at least give them the information to help themselves. 

So I am a copywriter, musician, and chef, in descending order.  Judo and Acupuncture are not feasible, because in eastern master type things you need to be looked up to to teach and I am not looked up to.  I must be humble and approach things as a recovered mental patient. So even in my position I should not despair.  There is hope for me to live out my years in peace, acquire some resources, be healthy and able bodied, and get a wife.  The main thing now is learning how to work and save money and be monogamous.

The real secret to success is monogamy.  Celibacy is wrong and polygamy is wrong.  A man without a woman is nothing, and a man who has too many women is ruining himself.  Abraham and Sarah were the first Jewish couple and their line will inherit the earth.  Abraham was the first Jew and Adam was the first aborigine.  Both had a wife and had children, because in biblical times, people were more virtuous and more monogamous.  That is why their exploits are known to posterity.

So in being realistic, copywriting is more lucrative than music, and acupuncture and graphic design did not help me.  Book learning doesn't work, college is a scam.  These days, work is about socializing, knowing technology, expanding your skills, and doing more social media work than the bare minimum.  I have learned what it takes to survive and be self reliant.  It just took me longer than others.

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