Saturday, February 29, 2020

Show Me The Money

I've decided that I need to increase my money situation.  There are ways to do this.  I am not totally bereft, I can increase side incomes from various income streams.

My biggest talents are music, grappling, and cooking.  Lately, I've been obsessing about music because that is the most fun thing in the world to do.  But in reality, nobody will pay you to have fun.  Music is not lucrative these days, and rock n roll is a dying genre.  Most people these days listen to Kanye West or Beyonce or Taylor Swift or Soulja Boy.  There's no place for authentic rhythm and blues musicians in this part of the world. 

Judo can be a career if you are a black belt, have won a major tournament, and have a loyal following of students.  But that too is not a profitable business.  And to be a commercial martial arts instructor who automatically debits people's credit cards is sleazy.  Real judo instructors do it for the love and don't think about the money.  They would lose money teaching judo let alone gain money.

And then there was cooking.  This a lucrative skill, since everyone eats, and food is the basic drive of a human being.  At this juncture, I am a Master Chef.  But I don't want to work in a commercial restaurant standing on my feet 8 hours per day.  I just can't do it.  But there are other outlets to using nutritional skills to make money and more importantly to educate the youth.

So between music, judo, and cooking, cooking and nutrition is the most profitable thing for me.  I want to be a rockstar, but this is not a realistic ambition.  And my scholastic education didn't help me.  College is a scam. 

So If I want the money, and therefore a higher class of women, I need to get realistic about what I can do and get paid for it.  Cooking is fun and lucrative, and it is exciting to deal with food all day. 

So Show Me The Money.

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