Friday, February 14, 2020

Basic Human Civility

I don't see capitalism as basic human civility.  Capitalism doesn't work, and it makes you more a slave than communism does.  Neither Capitalism nor Communism really work, and the whole history of the twentieth century where two hard, strong imperialistic forces, USA and Russia, pitted against each other over political idealogies invented by secular Jews.

Don't blame the Jews.  There is a big difference between secular Jews and religious Jews.  Karl Marx was a Russian Jew who dreamed of Utopia where people were all equally poor, the government had no special power, and people got everything from the state.   But that is not realistic.  In any society, the hard, shrewd, cunning men will predate on the weaker minded, more simple and humble men.  It is just like jail or prison.  In a free for all, weak men don't survive.

Capitalism is equally wrong.  Capitalism lasted longer because it appeals to lowest common denominator, to man's greed and self interest.  But Capitalism ruined everything and America is the laughing stock of Europe, Israel, and Asia.  Life in society is not about survival of the fittest.  It is not a fair society to begin with.  If you are born to upright parents who are wealthy and educated, then most likely you will end up wealthy and educated.  Rich parents can send rich children to rich schools which gets them rich jobs.

If you have the misfortune of being born poor, you will most likely not go to college, get in a lot of fistfights in school, impregnate your high school girlfriend, and get mixed up in drugs.  The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.  Whether you are born rich or poor is a matter of luck and fortune not the strength of your genome.  Americans generally don't believe in reincarnation, brahmanism, nor a caste system.  Hinduism is not the true religion.

Europe is Socialist and that is basic human civility.  The theory of socialism is very simple.  If you want the bare minimum for free, we will give it to you, but if you want more than the bare minimum, then you must work for it, and we will tax everything you make.  There are millionares in Europe who make 2 million dollars per year but pay 50% of their income as tax.  So they are still millionares even though they are paying half their salary as tax.  And since medicine and education is on the government, they don't really have many expenses.  Britain, France, and Germany is the real leader of the free world and the USA is a joke.  The Russians are extremely hard, militaristic people who despise the Jews and aren't ashamed of it.  The Russians and the Americans are very similar people.

Both are hard, militaristic, into business and warfare, but they do it differently.  The Russians are more blatant and straightforward, the Americans are more sneaky.  Everything in America is a business, and you can buy anything you want.  You can buy sex, food, medicine, education, freedom, dignity, safety, fame, you name it.

I do not want to live in the USA or in Russia.  The only reason they became super powers is because they are hard military men who fight for resources.  Both the American midwest and the Ukraine is fertile land that produces a lot of grain and other natural resources.  The best commodities are oil, silver, gold, pork bellies, oranges, etc...

I wish I could move to Israel and live in peace.  Israel is the safe place for the Jews, and Jews know what it is like to be an outcast.  They are more tolerant towards blacks, gypsies, homosexuals, transgenders, and every other type of oppressed minority.   They've learned their lesson from the holocaust.  Pride is the worst sin, and Aryan supremacy is just a myth.

Judaism is obviously the best religion.  It is about strict monotheism and the concept of divine justice.  God created the world, but the devil rules the world until he is defeated on judgement day.  So we must endure until the end.  Suffering is grace, and being an outcast of an evil society is actually a blessing in disguise.  The best people are poor, humble, and simple.  I've met my share of poor, humble, and simple people.  I'm a good Jew.

So Capitalism is not even basic human civility, and Americans don't practice real Christianity.  Real Christianity is about a certain group of Jews who believed Jesus was the Messiah who could ressurect the dead.  But this is a misinterpretation of the scriptures.  Every Jew secretly believes in an immortal soul and reincarnation, just like a pagan druid or a pagan Egyptian does.  The only difference is monotheism and polytheism.  One God or Many Gods.  So you can be a good pagan or a good Jew and reach the same end.  But I have still not found a real Christian.  Someone who practices what they preach.  Nobody is perfect, everyone sins, lust is incessant, and everyone dies.  And since your soul will outlive your body, we don't need a physical resurrection.  That is just mythology. 

Basic Human Civility means medicine and education for all paid for by the state.  If you can't work, you deserve a basic income from the government and live on a low budget.  You do not owe the government anything, they owe you.  As a citizen of your country, you are valuable and important and have certain inalienable rights.  Obviously, with free education, anyone with some kind of talent can get a certificate, BA, or something similar and get paying work in something they are interested in.  If medicine doesn't cost you anything, then doctors don't get rich and don't prescribe unnecessary surgeries and treatments just to get rich.  Doctors in Israel are poor but hard working and altruistic.

I know my life will improve once I get back to Israel. One man's trash is another man's treasure.  In America, I am trash, but in Israel, I am treasure.  And ultimately, Israel is the holy land and America is the Whore of Babylon.  People start in student loan debt, live paycheck to paycheck, and die in medical debt.  All the while, they eat low quality food that makes them ill and watch too much porno.  The American lifestyle is exhausting and is all based on imitating Hollywood. 

Basic Human Civility means justice.  It means giving to those who have to little and taking from those who have too much.  Americans seem to do the oppposite.  To think, if I am richer, it is because my genome is more preferential and I am a real survivor.  But business is warfare and based on deception not on being objectively better.  Greco Roman Wrestling is about being objectively better, you throw and pin the weaker man and assert dominance.  White society is nothing like Greco Roman Wrestling.  It is more like a shanking in the prison cafeteria.  It has nothing to do with being fair, honest, straightforward, or better.

So I will live quietly in America til it's time to move back to Israel.  All in all, I wasted my youth, young adulthood, twenties, thirties, and only at the age of 39 did I discover writing and publishing music.  The past two years have been a ball.  The creativity unleashes something latent within you.  My music marketing guru was a retarded man with a speech impediment.  I don't look down on him, he helped me.  But I learned that even below average people can have the courage and mental toughness to apply themselves and see where it gets them.  I am above average in talent, if I apply myself, I could be a celebrity.  So my life began in zen and ended in music.  It was not a waste, and I am glad I was born and never quit.  It is only once you consider yourself defeated that you are defeated. 

The real secret to success is to do a little bit every day and never quit on yourself.  Basic Human Civility means giving to those who have too little.  I want to give my music to the world and also write books on Taoist Nutrition so people won't be used by the system in America.  I have 5 albums and 2 books right now online.  I want to heal the people, and I do it through entertainment and through education.  That is the best, when you can entertain and educate at the same time.

I think I'm onto something.

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