Tuesday, February 25, 2020

My Ding-A-Ling

This was Chuck Berry's only Number One Hit.  And it was a joke song that was meant to be an inuendo about his penis.  It shows you that sometimes the market doesn't have the best sense of what is good and what is bad.

I know in my own music career so far, my favorite songs are less popular, and songs I feel are less meritorious are most popular with the audience.  What I like and what they like is two different things.  But the music is for them, it's not for me.

I want to record the next album, 'Rhythm and Blues World Service' soon.  But first I must learn new covers, write new originals, and practice more with the electric.  I am used to playing my acoustic exclusively.

Now that I am not doing acupuncture or graphic design, I can dedicate all my time to music.  I have other hobbies, like cooking and judo, but music is my main thing.  I wouldn't be happy without it.

So I will start work soon.  I have nothing but time. 

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