Tuesday, February 18, 2020

A Deep and Far Reaching Post

The world is not the way it should be.  People have realized that the Christian church has lied to them for two millennia, and they have abandoned religion.  There is nothing right about the world.  The very word 'spirituality' is the antithesis of the word 'materialism'.  You can be in the spirit or in the body.  As a human being, you need both a spirit and a body, and the mind is in-between the two.

Christianity is a fraud.  Jesus won't come out of the sky to resurrect corpses on Judgement Day.  The whole concept of Judgement Day comes from Jewish theology, but the Christian fathers distorted the idea and took the Jewish Scriptures too literally.  There will never be one finite day when Jesus comes out of the sky and corpses come out of the ground to live in Paradise again.

What Kabbalists, Sufis, Mystics, and Taoist Masters know is, there is a kind of spiritual evolution as well as a physical evolution.  Lifetime after lifetime, your soul grows wiser as you learn your lessons.  A soul is by nature immortal, and you get more than one lifetime to live and learn.  If that wasn't the case, God would be cruel and I don't believe in a cruel God.

There are only three real religions.  The old religion of paganism, the new religion of Judaism, and the promise of Christianity.  Then there is nature religion like Tao, which is not religion at all but observing what works in nature.  Paganism has been disproven.  Even the greatest yogic master is still just a smelly guy who eats curry and meditates all day.  We are not supposed to be nonviolent, vegan, and hypersexual.  A man should know self defense, eat meat, and marry a woman.  Of course, a normal man wants to avoid violence, is moderate in food, and lusts for his woman every night.

Judaism is the best religion.  I don't care if it makes me unpopular to say this.  I am not an observant Jew, but I have a Jewish education, and I am thankful for it.  I took the ball and ran with it.  Jews are extremely intelligent, and speak in simple words.  They can observe obvious reality.  They have nothing to hide, the truth doesn't hurt their feelings.

Wrestling is the best martial art.  Judaism is the best religion.  Sugar restriction is the only real way for an obese person to lose the weight.  Man was meant to live in a semi tropical environment and eat a mixed diet. 

The truth should not hurt your feelings.  If it does, it shows you are living a lie. 

I have gone beyond what my parents taught me and experienced things for myself.  My most important education was in TCM, or Traditional Chinese Medicine.  TCM is based on Taoist philosophy, and this philosophy brings me great peace and consolation.  Taoist philosophy is simple.  It is based on the idea that all of Creation exists in duality, of masculine and feminine forces, and only the Creator is beyond duality.  So no one is pure good or pure evil.  And no one is pure male or pure female.  It is even proven scientifically that each embryo begins with the X chromosome alone, so we all start out female.  That means even Mike Tyson started out a female.  And he can knock you out in the first round.  If at some point you acquire the Y chromosome, you are born male, and have testicles and can produce semen.  In sex, the man gives and the woman receives.  This is the way it should be, nice and easy.

As an aside, the average man on the street has one Y chromosome.  The average guy in prison has two Y chromosomes  So they are dominant males.  They are extremely aggressive, violent, crude, competitive, and don't observe society's rules.  A man born with three Y chromosomes is an auspicious birth.

Another concept of Taoism is virtue.  That word means power or character or the good qualities of a human being.  One is born with a certain virtue, and one can develop it too.  The three main virtues stressed in Taoist thought are humility, compassion, and simplicity.  But I won't go too far into it in this post.

Another concept of Taoism is Wu Wei Wu, or Doing Not Doing.  It does not mean passivity or inaction.  It means being spontaneous, and acting in according with your own inner nature.  Sometimes doing nothing is best, and sometimes, punching people in the face is best.  Whatever the situation calls for. 

Taoism is a rich tradition and is not Judaism, Christianity, nor is it Hinduism or any derivative of polytheism.  This is indeed a deep and far reaching post.  In these trying times, don't abandon religion.  You should abandon Christianity, Nietzsche told you this 150 years ago, but don't throw the baby out with the bath water.  There are other mystical systems to explore.  And don't self identify as this religion or that religion.  Learn from others, examine yourself, and figure things out for yourself.  I am most inspired by the Tao Te Ching and the Baghavad Gita.  The main book of Taoism and the main book of Yogic philosophy. 

Ultimately, I am not religious.  I am just someone who lives a certain lifestyle of bliss and enlightenment.  So I am better than the Rabbi who lives off of donations or the Catholic priest who rapes your children.  I am a spiritual master, and yet, I have no disciples.  Because I don't advertise nor do I want to.   Jewish people pass down spiritual secrets to their offspring the way Chinese people pass down secret Kung Fu techniques to their offspring.  I have no one to pass down anything to. 

Moving forward, I want to continue producing music.  I want to write more insightful lyrics about these deep concepts.  But it's hard to write any song, let alone about shamanism and Tao and spirituality.  And then you got to make it rhyme and be marketable.  Songwriting is not easy, that is why original musicians get famous.  They have merit.

I am not even interested in working an an acupuncture clinic or graphic design office.  I want to be a musician and author and keep producing stuff for the world.  If I was smart, I'd learn the marketing aspect of business not just the actual craft of what I am doing.  Talent is useless.

So this is a deep and far reaching post.  I am not a Christian or Hindu, and although my seed is Jewish, I practice a kind of Taoist lifestyle.  But I know God is greater than mortal man.  Nobody is 'the master'.  In spirituality, one learns to be humble and gracious.  The ultimate teaching is God is Love, and in loving one another, you make the world a better place.

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