Sunday, February 23, 2020

I am Born Again

I spent the last two days convalescing from eating bad soup.  I vomited.  Then I spent all of Saturday in bed.  Now it is sunrise on a Sunday and I plan on using this day fully.

The main thing in life is to be happy and productive.  It is not to acquire a lot of stuff or money or lovers.  Less is more not more is more. 

Right now, a few dollars are trickling in from the streams and downloads of my music.  I know my music's popularity is growing, especially in places like Japan, Mexico, the Philippines, and Sweden.  But I can't reach them, because I am by myself, and I have no money to spend.

If I was smart, I'd invest time and effort in learning digital marketing and network more.  The internet has changed the way humanity does business.  Also, plane flight makes the world a smaller place, so I could theoretically travel.

I have albums out through CDBaby and Routenote.  I am on YouTube and Spotify.  I started playing out at restaurants and coffeeshops. 

The money is not the important part, money is only worldly value.  But I need to survive too.  If I had more business savvy, I'd learn to monetize what I do.

The important thing is to do a little bit every day and never give up on yourself.  I am actually glad I got sick and recovered.  Now it is Sunday and I get to cook, do laundry, and play guitar today.  Sunday Funday.

I envision great things for my music career.  I want to play at churches and synagogues.  I want to teach guitar.  And I would like to someday play on the Indian reservation on long island.  They get it.  Native Americans have a different value system than the White Man.  They feel the boogie.

I may never be rich and famous, but at least I have more merit than the Chinsy Beatles.  That's pop music.  They had some great hits, but they weren't the best music act ever, just the most popular.  My favorite song of theirs was 'Can't Buy Me Love', but I also like their later period when they were more musically mature.

My favorite acts were either blues or blues based.  I like Cream, CCR, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, and all the people who influenced them.  This is the music of unbounded creativity and expression.  In this type of music, you are rewarded for creativity and originality, in this society, you are punished.  So music can be an act of rebellion. 

So I will keep rebelling against an evil society and playing music.  I don't even want to be a copywriter or designer.  That is boring crap and I don't need a house, wife, or children.  Less is more not more is more.

My favorite things are music, poetry, and home cooking.  And I will keep doing that and being happy with it.

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