Monday, February 10, 2020

Music and Sport in the Dominican Repbulic

Some people are less ambitious but more fulfilled.  I know Dominicans, Haitians,and Jamaicans, and they are lively people.  They are essentially blacks mixed in with native Americans who speak various languages of Europe.  They come from the Caribbean, and live more humble, simple lives.

America is all about business and warfare.  And business itself is a kind of warfare, based on deception not being stronger and better.  Americans are ten times richer than any other country, but they are not ten times better off.  Most people I see are less fit, less happy, have wrinkly faces, and look mentally ill and unstable.

So what is money worth?  All you need is to pay the bills and then stop.  Money is worldly value, Love is spiritual value.  Get the money, take care of what you need to take care of, and then do what you love.  Life is too short to not do what you love. 

Freud said, 'work and love, love and work, that's all there is.'  He was right.  You either do it for the love or for the money.  A prostitute's job is to make love for money.  But she is just doing acts of physical gratification not making love.  She doesn't care who she is fucking, it's just a business.  Similarly, a cagefighter is just fighting in a cage for money.  He doesn't care who he is fighting, he is doing it for the money.  Prostitutes love sex and cagefighters love fighting.  Porno and MMA are big businesses in America.

Society is degrading and America is lowest common denominator.  Money and everything else.  I am trying to help America, by teaching them how to be happy.  Less is more, not more is more.  More stuff does not make you more happy.  Stuff cannot make you happy.

I like music and sport.  I am part Latino, not just Jewish.  My favorite sport is judo, and my favorite music is rhythm and blues from the 1960s.  I like other sports and other forms of music, but in general that is true.  I have had experiences with boxing, sambo, flamenco music, rock n roll, and reggae.  But in general, I like music and sport.  I am less ambitious but more fulfilled.  So who's better?

I will continue doing what I love, sharing it with others, and getting out of the house.  I am not motivated by the money, I am self sufficient because I budget myself and don't really value material goods.  I budget per day, per week, and per month.  Life in any society goes month by month. 

I would like to visit the Dominican Republic but I can't afford it right now.  I feel it is my spiritual homeland.  I also like Israel and Mexico.  Living all your life in the suburbs of New York City is boring.  I don't need to spend all my time here.

All I know is, my music is exceptional, and if I keep going in this way, there will be results.  My judo career is practically over, but my music career is just starting.  Music is not based on phsyicality.  It is not a sport.  You can play a guitar from age 8 to 80.  John Lee Hooker played until he died at age 90. 

So now, as I approach middle age, I can say my athletic career helped me get mentally tough, become proud of my heritage, and empowered me not be a quitter.  Combat sports are cool, it is fighting with rules.  You either win or lose and you don't complain.  It's a fair contest. 

Music is entertainment, and both the looks and the talent of the musician matters.  It takes 20 years to master a skill, and I've been doing music over 20 years.  So I am a blues master.  I will keep going in this direction and be happy with it.

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