Wednesday, February 12, 2020

God is Love

This will not be a post on comparative religion.  Nobody these days clings to religion, it makes you feel ashamed of yourself.  Christianity is dying, Judaism is hated, and Islam is growing.  We don't need religion.  We need desire.

When I say God is Love, I mean he is not power or justice or forgiveness or mercy or victory.  God is Love.  If you believe in God, then by inference, you also believe in the Devil.

God and the Devil is the whole religion.  The JudeoChristian religion.  God created the world, but the Devil rules the world.  So the blues is the music of real life, of tragedy and hardship and loneliness.  I feel the boogie.

John Lee Hooker sang about Money and Women.  My first album was called Money and Women, but I took it off the internet after one year because it was costing just to keep it online, so I was losing money.  I found better publishing sites like CDBaby and Routenote where you make money and don't lose money.

I hear Distrokid is good too.

The blues is the music of the slaves.  It is music about real life, not about aspiring to anything or worshiping God or Jesus.  It started with people like Robert Johnson, who was a bizarre genius who mastered the instrument.  Later people like Chuck Berry and John Lee Hooker brought it to the masses.

So for me, music and religion is closely intertwined.  Rosetta Tharpe inspired Chuck Berry, he invented rock n roll.  Pop music from America is largely due to black people and their creativity.

The real secret to rhythm and blues and rock n roll is embellishment.  Without embellishment, it would just be Chinese music!  The way a black man plays guitar, he hammers on, pulls off, slides up and down, vibrato, bends the strings, etc...  Without the embellishments, it is simply a pentatonic scale.  A five note scale.  This music is extremely formulaic and simple.  But without it, there is no joy for me.

So my love is music, and I offer my songs to the Lord.  It is my method of worship.  I don't like synagogue or church or prayer or reading the bible.  Church and Synagogue is largely a social event, not an expression of faith.  For me, music is my expression of faith.  I play with enthusiasm. 

So God is Love and there is no more religion.  People don't want to be Jews or Christians because then they can't enjoy porno and MMA.  Religion makes them feel like they are sinners.  But the real spiritual man knows we are all sinners and we are all equal in suffering.  So music can be part of your spiritual lifestyle.  It is lived religion.

So I will continue playing music and see where it leads me.

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