Sunday, February 9, 2020

My Muse

I like the rhythm and blues.  Today's music is a crapulent, distorted descendent of Chuck Berry and John Lee Hooker.  The delta blues which became the rhythm and blues is a combination of music and poetry of oppressed people.

I am tired of trying to be a copywriter or designer.  I don't want to work in an office.  It's not worth my time and effort.  I can learn to live on less money. 

The delta blues of the 1930s and 1940s became the rhythm and blues of the 50s and 60s.  This spawned the past 50 years or so of music. 

The thing about being a bluesman is, you got to cop your own style.  You listen to a lot of musicians, you start to imitate them, and then you find your own unique approach.  Then once you have a unique sound, you reinvent it each song you write.  Muddy Waters did this, so did John Lee Hooker.  So did Chuck Berry and Mississippi John Hurt.  They were clever songwriters and did more with less.

The muse is the inspiration.  It is something mysterious and stays with you all the time, night and day.  Life would be a mistake without music, everyone needs some type of music at some point.  People can do without art galleries and books, but no one can do without music.  Even geeks listen to music.

So I find inspiration in the music of the hard times, and I create my own unique sound.  The blues is the music of tragedy, and I've suffered a lot of tragedy.  I have not had an easy life.  But reversal is the movement of the Tao.

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