Monday, February 17, 2020

Being Less Ambitious

And more fulfilled.  Right now, my music is reaching an unheard of peak.  I am playing better than ever.  But the sad part is, nobody listens to Chuck Berry and his style of Rhythm and Blues anymore.  They listen to Bruno Mars and consider that rhythm and blues.

I don't care if my music is antiquated.  In other parts of the country and world, this music is still hip.  I once walked into a pool hall in Tel Aviv and they were playing the Beatles on the loudspeaker.  There is an audience somewhere for real acoustic rhythm and blues.

Life would be a mistake without music.  Music is a type of emotional therapy, and everybody is frustrated.  Not everyone needs art galleries or books, but everyone needs music.  The only good thing about this generation is that there are more musicians than ever, but few really talented ones. 

I don't need that much money.  Money is not the issue.  There are good looking but poor girls out there who don't require a lot of money to be happy.  You need looks and money to get a girl.

I want to chill out and focus less on money and success.  I can easily budget myself, get out more, find low cost or no cost entertainment, and guide the youth.  The pool, the library, the bookstore, the park, the religious center, are all cheap entertainment.  I do not need a wife and some children to be happy.  Dating is for sex, Marriage is for raising a family.  And there is nothing wrong with strippers.

The main problem with Americans is that they live for some postponed joy in the future rather than living in the present moment.  What are you doing, right here and now, to be happy?  Even when you are working or driving your car you should be happy doing it.  At any given moment, you have a choice to do it with enthusiasm or just do it like a slave.

No matter who you are and what you do, you are going to grow old and die.  It goes without saying.  Don't think you are immortal and invincible.  Because you are not.  Just try to work on zen and reach a higher level of moral character.  Moral character and happiness are almost synonyms. 

So I have less and yet I have more.  I even eat better food than most Americans because restaurant food is commercial garbage and homemade food is better.  The first thing you instruct a child in is nutrition.  It is basic knowledge. 

So I will keep doing what i can under these circumstances.  I can keep releasing albums and self published books and get out in the community more.  What I am trying to teach is, less is more not more is more.  More stuff does not make you more happy.  There comes a point where more money is almost useless.  It is the internal mindstate that determines happiness and contentment.

So I am less ambitious but more fulfilled.  I don't need more stuff.  If you want to be entertained for free, look for Lior Avni on YouTube and Spotify.  I'd appreciate more followers on YouTube and Spotify.  Also, check out my reverbnation profile.  I will put a link below.

Anyway, listen to the blues and therapize yourself.  Have a nice day.

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