Monday, February 3, 2020

The Home Life

I am learning to be less ambitious.  I wasted a lot of time.  I am middle aged now, and I am no longer part of the youth. 

The biggest parts of my life now are music and home cooking.  It is easy and fulfilling to stay home and be less ambitious.  I don't need a lot of money to feel good.

I have an expert knowledge of music, grappling, nutrition, philosophy, and communications.  I have a lot of education, but not a lot of earning power.  The money is not the important part.

I don't really know what I can monetize effectively.  I find music most fulfilling, but it is not that profitable these days.  I also like nutrition and fitness, and find delight in teaching people stuff they should already know.  I also like judo, aikido, and Combat Sambo. 

I know I need to change my behavior to change my results.  I am not a madman.  I am an inspired man.  There is a difference.

Leaving to live on my own is the best thing right now.  So is budgeting and learning to live within my means.  But to create money, you need to find where your talents and the needs of the world intersect.  What you are good at, what is valued, and what they are willing to pay for.

But if I had my way, I'd just stay at home cooking and cleaning and playing the guitar.  I am a loner and a homebody.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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