Sunday, March 1, 2020

Less is More

I will try not to be too philosophical in this post.  But Less is More.  More is not More.  You just need the bare minimum, and then stop.  In doing so, you avoid all harm.

King Solomon astutely pointed out in the bible that anything beyond the bare minimum goes to someone else.  You don't want to serve somebody else, do you?  So just do the bare minimum that is required of you and enjoy your free time for yourself.

Less is More.

Even in my music, I see this is true.  Most of my songs are based on the three chord structure of the blues.  But I try to push past three simple major chords and play a couple of extra chords too.  It gives the song more character, more complexity, and makes it uniquely yours.  Most of my songs have 5 chords in them.

The East Asians developed a high culture because they had to.  They are physically the smallest, weakest people, so they had to learn efficiency to survive.  Less is More.  A small frail woman who knows Judo or Jiu-jitsu can beat a large, strong, heavy man in a fight.  It is by using your small amount of resources in a big way that gets you maximum results.

I like music, judo, and cooking.  I learned by doing, not by passively absorbing someone else's knowledge.  I am not a boxer and I am not a pornstar.  That is just showbusiness.  I dwell in reality, and let all illusions go. 

So whether I am playing guitar, grappling, cooking, or even writing a blog or book, I use efficiency.  I apply my set of talents in the most efficient way possible, to get the biggest result.  You can get a lot accomplished if you understand philosophical principles of action.  Philosophy is not a waste of time.  It is using your mind to solve your problems.

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