Saturday, February 15, 2020

I'ts Just Money

Money is not the real power.  Knowledge is the real power.  If you are educated, you can live a good life regardless of whether you are rich or poor.  More money won't make you more happy.

Yes, you need the bare minimum of food, shelter, and clothing.  You might also need communications, transportation, and entertainment.  But it's not that hard to make a living.  Just do what you must do to get the bare minimum and then stop working.  You can't take it with you when you go.

America is ten times richer than any other nation, but is not ten times better off.  Most people don't know the first thing about nutrtition, longevity, exercise, or spiritual attainment.  Their values are distorted, and they have no real joy.  So although I am poor, living on an austere budget, I am better.

I wish I could help America, but it seems nobody wants my instruction.  At least playing the guitar is fun.  Through music, I can be a teacher and healer and guide the others.  I could write some clever song lyrics about these concepts, but I am not going to tell you to eat pork and beans in a song.  That would be silly.

So as time moves on, I will dedicate more time to judo and music and less to trying to be rich and successful.  It is only by doing what you love with enthusiasm that you get the extra results and become rich and successful.  So once again, my philosophy is right.  Don't do it for the money, do it for the love, and the money will be a side benefit.  I don't do anything for money.

I know I should be practicing judo because it is not something you retire from.  Yes, at 35 you are too old and slow for Olympic competition, but Olympic Judo is not the only aspect of judo there is.  There is club randori, local tournaments, conditioning, the atemi waza, the Goshin Budo Jitsu, kata, etc...

Judo is a complete system of physical and moral training.  It is not just Olympic sport, physical education, or a police officer taking you down with Osoto and pinning you knee on stomach.

I want to do my hobbies til I'm done.  Now that I'm older, music is more fun than judo, but I shouldn't abandon either.  I don't do it for the money.  What's money?

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