Friday, February 7, 2020

Chef Boyardee

This is just a jokey title for a blog post.  I enjoy cooking and have a comprehensive knowledge of nutrition.  My main talents are in music and grappling, but over the years, I have studied nutrition and learned a lot of cooking at home through trial and error.

I even spent a year or two with a master of raw foods veganism, learning how to make vegan dishes in a certain way in accordance with the teaching of one vegan guru or another.  I no longer believe veganism is the right thing for everyone.  But at least there are people who know nutrition and eat too little not too much food.

The main thing in food is protein, fiber, and starch.  Protein is the main nutrient, our bodies are made up of protein.  Even the DNA of our bodies tell our own cells how to reconstitute amino acids into our own proteins.  There is protein in plant and animal foods, but animal protein is easier to digest and assimilate. 

Fiber is the indigestible carbohydrate in food that cleanses your colon and gives you satiety.  It is also the most probiotic thing there is.  Fiber has no use to our body, and yet, it is extremely valuable. We cannot do without it, and most plant foods in nature have fiber in them.  So you need a diet of both protein and vegetables, and don't neglect either.

Starch is important.  It fuels your performance.  Starch is the storage form of glucose, or blood sugar.  Starch is found in things like beans, corn, potatoes, peas, carrots, rice, bread, pasta, quinoa, etc...  The more active you are, the more starch you need to fuel your life, and the less active you are, the less starch you need.

The Atkins diet is good if you are 30 or more pounds overweight.  It is a good start for people in America who are tired and sick and heavy.  But it is not a lifelong solution, and eating a diet of just protein, vegetables, and cheese is not too smart.

So I know what I must do to stay healthy.  I want to be disability free all my lifespan, so I eat what my body needs not what I want to enjoy.  Food is fuel.

My two main careers now are the music and the Aikido.  These are things I've been doing over 20 years each.  But food is very important to me.  If I didn't eat right, I'd be sick and then I wouldn't be able to be a musician or grappler.  Eating right is the foundation of health and medicine. 

What really sparked me to learn about nutrition was gaining weight from certain meds I took in my mid 20s.  I wanted to lose the weight, so I studied nutrition, cookbooks, and the Atkins diet to cure my problem.  This is how I learned about nutrition, by getting sick in the first place.  Reversal is the movement of the Tao.  Now at 41, I look much younger than my age, and I am more fit than most men over 30.  So I didn't waste my time or effort.  I have a lot of knowledge, and I already wrote two books which are available on Amazon.  They are 'Sport and Physical Culture' and 'Taoist Nutrition'. 

So I have learned a lot over the years, and I find that the most important message you can impart to the youth is, college is a scam, and if you really want to empower yourself, learn on your own.  The library, the bookstore, and online video course sites like Udemy and Skillshare are really more useful than a college degree.  You learn by doing, not by digesting someone else's knowledge.  I learned music, grappling, and nutrition by myself, and these are things that still help me on a daily basis.  My acupuncture and graphic design degrees do not help me. 

So in addition to whatever I do, I see nutrition as the foundation of medicine and the first knowledge to acquire in life.  By 15, you should know nutrition, and I know 40 year olds that don't know the difference between fiber and starch.  American society has debased values and I am trying to help.  Donald Trump is trying to aggrandize himself, but I am trying to help.  So he is bad and I am good.  But you don't have to believe me. 

The point of this blog post is, teach yourself by learning on your own.  Knowledge is power, and the more you learn, the better a person you are.  Don't go to school just for a certificate with your name on it.  Learn enthusiastically and practice when you are not in school.  You learn by doing, and you get good through experience.  This is called duty concomitant with desire. 

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