Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Don't Die With Your Music Still Inside Of You

You have to express yourself before it is too late.  Our human lives are extremely brief, and by 50 you start to age, your health problems begin, and it is harder to get aroused.

That doesn't mean life is a free for all and you get to do as much sin as you want.  Moderation destroys all sorrow.  Enjoy the world in moderation, and create your own religion.

I've been playing music for so long, but never dared share it with the world until 2017.  In the past two years or so, I have enjoyed a great revival.  It is like a new lease on life.  While I am not rich, I am more popular, and this gives me wind.

You don't get anything by staying at home and keeping to yourself.  Home is an artificial environment where you feel safe and you can be yourself.  But if you want success, you must leave the house and share your talents with others.  And if you want a girlfriend, don't use dating sites or bars.  Get involved in hobbies, and meet people with common interests.

Don't die with your music still inside of you.  Let it out.  Express yourself.  Feeling good. 

Life would be very hard without music, because the ears are the most fundamental sense organ.  They are located closest to the brain.  As you lay dying, your sense of hearing will be the last sense to go before you are completely dead.  Hearing is fundamental.  Life would be a mistake without music.

So get into music, whatever type you like, and even learn music yourself.  These days, with the rise of guitar videos, there are more musicians than ever, and fewer people making money from it.  I don't know if this is an improvement or a degradation.

I know my rhythm and blues music is exceptional, and I deserve more money.  But I don't know business principles, marketing, and strategy.  So I am poor.  But at least someone out there is listening to my stuff, likes it, and keeps coming back.

So I will keep creating, even if I never become The Beatles or whatever.  Pop stars aren't that talented anyway.  They just have the right blend of looks, talent, marketing, business savvy, a good team behind them, etc... They are not necessarily the best musicians. 

There's no justice.

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